The entire fabricated lie that people believe is transparent to me. I know that i’m not alone in my vision of the truth, but it often times feels that way. I believe this is just another systematic attempt by the powers that be, to remove any possible threats to the status quo.
Regardless of why, the fact is that i feel like dying most every day. I’m a socially retarded fear based being. I don’t value the things that the masses do, thereby effectively isolating myself from everything and everyone.
If i didn’t know love, then i’d be dead by now. the only thing keeping me tied to this world is family. Once they’re gone, so am i.
Hi deathblooms,
I’d like to try and give a better answer but it’s quite hard to do so because you don’t really specify what you mean by your comments.
For example;
What is the entire fabricated lie that people believe?
What is your vision of the truth?
In what way are the powers that be removing possible threats?
What do the masses value that you don’t?
I can’t really try and give an answer without knowing what you mean.
Therefore, all I can advise is that you seek out like minded people, and live life the way YOU want to, and not worry what the masses are doing. Obviously there are constraints put on all of us by how society operates – we can’t just live where we want, do what we want, have access to anything we want for free etc. But, within reason, we do have a fair amount of flexibility to live our lives how we want to. We don’t HAVE to obsess over buying expensive cars, or base our success on having a well paid job, or have the latest mobile phones and TV’s with millions of channels. We can lead much simpler lives if we choose.
1 the fabricated lie is freedom. only the financially steadfast are free.
2 my vision of the truth; the mind is connected with the cosmic mind. The cosmic mind being the omnipotent force which thinks, and the thought then becomes. all minds are connected in the root of the soul. there is no separation in truth. we, as humans, function symbiotically with nature, and each other at all times. there is no time. that is merely one of the myriad social constructs meant to strip the soulful being of purpose.
3 it’s a scientific fact that when an object is broken into pieces it is emulsified, or disintegrated at a much more rapid rate. the powers that be are well aware of the dangers of a unified people. therefore, all measures must be taken to assure that we live in a society of opposites. we have countless categories of ways in which we separate ourselves from another. black and white, democrat vs. republican, pro war vs. hippie, pro life vs. pro choice and so on. the basis of all these illusions can be found in the house of the unrighteous who dictate what is and isn’t possible.
4. the masses value doubt. they value reason more than the imagination of an inspired mind. they value possessions over ideas of enlightenment. they disrespect nature and treat her as a whore. knowing has taken precedent of all things unknowable. understanding is something that one can feel shake the core of their being, yet not be able to find the words for. those who rejoice in that which is immutable and unknowable, understand light. those who understand light, are barraged with all kinds of dark. and the cycle repeats
OK. Well, to be honest, a lot of that is a bit deep for me. I’ll try and respond to a couple of bits, though.
1 No one has complete freedom. Even the richest person in the world has constraints on their freedoms. However, as someone who lives in the UK, I feel fairly comfortable with the amount of freedom I have. I accept that I’m not able to do or buy everything I might like to, but overall I feel fairly content. There is always room for improvements but, overall, I think the UK is a pretty free country to live in. I find it hard to envisage a perfect system because there will always be different needs that require balancing.
3 Is it really the powers that be who are causing these divisions? In some cases, maybe, but more often than not I would say it is people who are choosing to become associated with certain groups. I’m an atheist but other people believe in God – the powers that be haven’t forced those two opinions upon us. I just don’t get your idea of a unified people – how is such a thing possible when people have genuinely different opinions on things? The powers that be don’t need to create groups to make people think differently – we do that naturally.
1a. Freedom is to thy will. First one must be allowed the proper environment to develop an understanding of what the will must do. once one finds their true will it must be tempered with love. when a pure will is functioning under love without a need for result, or return then the will is free. this is freedom; doing one’s great work for the sake of the assisting the continuing evolution of humanity.
2a Just because it’s something that we’ve always done doesn’t necessitate that it’s something that we must continue doing.
If your an atheist, then i assume that you believe in evolution. if that is indeed the case, do you believe that maybe our next evolutionary step could involve an evolution of mind instead of matter? It’s through the power of an open mind that i’ve come to find that we are all indeed of one mind. there is no proving it to you, for you would have to experience it yourself. my heart is bleeding because of what my mind is needing. you see, i’m the pretentious type who won’t rest until equality is established for all my brothers and sisters. naturally we’re curious beings who become corrupted by a world who is unable to nurture, and cultivate the spirit which lies dormant within us all. when the spirit is awake, and the mind is open the body is merely a vessel for the pure will which i mentioned earlier. this will is that which will facilitate our next evolutionary step. it’s not mine, it’s the divine. our next step is not going to be actualized until ideas like this one presented in a commonly respected setting. until that day i will continue to be ostracized for not being content with the vile that i see all around me every day.
OK. Well, I have to be honest with you and admit that I don’t really understand what you’re talking about. I’m finding it hard to relate anything you’re saying to the real world. I’m sure it probably does all make sense, but you need to run it past someone more intelligent than I am. Perhaps someone else on here will be able to respond better but, if not, there will definitely be other forums where you could discuss your views with like minded individuals.
One of the few bits I did understand, and can agree with you on, is the aim of trying to make the world fairer and more equal. Again, however, I would point out that it’s quite hard to define “equality”. I’m a male so I can’t use the ladies toilets – is that a common sense rule or am I being treated unequally?
i’m just a confused little man. sorry for spreading my confusion onto you. if i was intelligent i could make an intelligible point.
it’s not fair that america can have nukes yet any country who even gets close to having the capability of making one gets destroyed.
it’s not fair that leaders who uplift the common man get killed. Ghandi, MLK, JFK, Jesus, Bobby Kennedy, John Lennon…. the ones who inspire get murdered.
it’s not fair that war is considered commonplace
it’s not fair that people use religion as an excuse to kill one another
i want people to realize that no matter culture, socioeconomic status, skin color, hair type and so on that we are all fundamentally the same. we’re not a very complex species genetically, and we all have a very similar make up, though on the outside we look very different.
thanks for at least responding to ranting from the mind of a lunatic.
Hey, I don’t think you’re a lunatic. It’s just I didn’t understand a lot of your thoughts.
I think your last post is much easier to understand and respond to because I can relate it to the real world. Furthermore, and I realised this anyway, it’s abundantly clear from your last post that you’re a caring guy who is just trying to make sense of what often seems to be a fairly messed up world.
I agree with you that many things aren’t fair. From a positive perspective, though, I suppose we could argue that they are fairer today than they ever were – if I were to compare the UK of 2012 with the UK of 1812, I think I would certainly conclude that things were fairer. Hopefully you would think the same about the US.
Unfortunately there is no quick fix for the world’s problems. In fact, I doubt they will ever be fixed to the degree that I’d like. We shouldn’t stop trying, though, and neither should we only see the bad things. There are plenty of uplifting people on earth who haven’t been murdered.
Anyway, you should stick around on this planet because you care about people and the world, so we need you here. You don’t have to be the next JFK or Ghandi – just live your life as best you can and in accordance with your principles. By doing that you will show people, even if it’s only a small number, a different way of living that doesn’t rely on all the things you have highlighted as unfair. You will influence people and things for the better.
deathblooms, I love what you’ve written. I sometimes wonder if a large part of my depression stems from the unfairness and inequality in life much like you described. I cannot tolerate the world as it is, it is entirely unacceptable to me.
So we’ve been going through these “difficult economic times” – or as I see it, finally the day of reckoning for the rich people/companies who have failed us – NOPE. The status quo is upheld. Everything they do is deemed right, and saved at the expense of the commoners.
The most the commoners do is whine or say “that’s life” just as I have essentially done.
Maybe it’s worth staying alive just for the hopes of being able to witness the collapse firsthand.
Hello Deathbloom,
I have suffered with depression and melancholy…for 50 years…so I guess it really doesn’t have to be terminal. I live a lifestyle of voluntary simplicity…for several reasons.
1. I no longer want to be a mindless, unthinking consumer.
2. When I do go through episodes of serious depression…my house doesn’t look like it. (ocd)
3. I find that anything that simplifies my life and takes the pressure off…helps with the depression and more than that…it’s partner….anxiety.
4. I don’t have a cell phone…a digital camera….heck I don’t even have cable…or for that matter…a TV…I limit the info I receive through mass media.
5. I dress for comfort and don’t buy off the rack….and never buy anything polyester…that crap will kill ya….anyone else a child of the 60’s and remember the crepe paper clothing they tried to get us to wear?…lol…or the pyjamas that turned children into fire bombs?
In the end…it is all just stuff…if it makes your life easier….then it is good….if it makes your life more cluttered or confused….then it is junk.
I took my 95 year old grandmother on a drive this week to a local hamlet near the village she was born and raised in…and as we drove she talked about how things were different…almost a century ago…she identified homesteads and had a story for each one. When I asked her about the changes that most upset her…she said…the loss of community…and the loss of innocence in our children….due to the women taking on more roles outside of the home. Oh yeah…and the other thing…fresh food that still tasted like food. Even I am old enough to remember what food used to taste like….these kids will never know…they are now growing meat sources in the lab.
Anyone else ever see the movie Soylent Green…lol…gave me nightmares…even while awake for decades…lol…they made us watch it in school of all things.
Science and technology and industry….strange dangerous bedfellows.
Hello darkness, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
‘Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
“Fools”, said I, “You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls”
And whispered in the sounds of silence
Paul Simon