“I have an unofficial blog online. It’s all just ranting and raving and belly aching but I wanted to share a thought with you that I wrote about once. I was groaning about the divide between myself and most other human beings. I posited that most people can fly, or have sufficient means to keep themselves afloat (happy). Flying, living in the skies (being happy) is second nature to some, and relatively easy to achieve for the rest. Then there are the land dwellers, the ones incapable of maintaining flight for extended periods of time. For whatever reason, they just don’t seem to get it. Either they knew how to fly at one point and are now being weighed down by their own lives, or some other reason. I lump myself in with the land dweller group; it seems that I’m always trying something over the top, some crazy Wile E. Coyote type scheme to keep myself flying with everybody else. It never works though; I can strap a rocket to my back but I always end up back on the ground.”