for years i was always with my bff we had a great time…until i starting making new friends. she didnt like that, wanted me 2 get rid of them. it was bullshit then in2005 age 13 i was diagnosed with seizures she was with me when the 1st one happened.i fell down 2 flights of stairs and split my head open..after i got outta the hospital i called to tell her i was ok and she said”hey, i gotta go” she never said a word to me after that. thats wat had sparked it all..
Sometimes it’s hard to judge the motivations of others. In this case, it seems that she wanted you to have just her friendship… perhaps in an attempt to maintain some influence or control. Fast forward seven years and now we’re in 2012…. and you’re 19 or 20. If you’re in college, do the best you can do… and consider joining some activities (sports, Greek organizations, clubs, etc.) that let you meet other people. Everything you do today prepares you for future success. If you’re not in college, you can join similar functions (houses of worship, community service activities, etc.) to meet other people.
If there is a lesson to be learned, it’s how not to treat others… You learned how it felt seven years ago… and the lesson remains at the front of your mind years later.
I’m sorry to hear that. When we are kids, we are selfish and scared. Maybe your condition was too much for her; maybe she did not want to see you in pain. Kids usually handle scary things poorly. Back then your friend was young and immature. What she did was cruel but not unusual. When I was younger I wanted my friend all to myself too but then I realized that it was unrealistic and there is nothing wrong with her having other friends and me having different friends. I’m sorry she did not realize that! It takes time. It’s unfortunate that you had to part with your new friends then, but I hope you have plenty of friends now. And if you don’t, please try. You must have been so wonderful for her to want to keep you all to herself! Share that love with others. If you need closer, you must find her again! Ask her why she left you. Maybe she will apologize. If your seizures are under control then don’t let that hold you back. I hope you don’t think that you are weird or different. Deep down humans are all the same!
So you are going to waste your time giving her anymore space in your life? She is a *****, and clearly you care … She is not worth any effort. If you want to get her back, the best thing you can do is be successful, happy, and all that you really should have the balls to try to do.
Look, I have been in similar situations, and let me tell you… Sometimes people sense their lack of worth and go hang out with groups of people to form a better identity, but in the end they all stay douche bags. She is unworthy of your time. It will hurt, but know that you are a badass that deserves better. Now act like it.
if she was yur besT FRIEnd why make new friends?? im in that position right now. my friend has left me for some girl dats “cool” nd ive helped her throught alot. ….. A LOT. .. i get repaid in the worst way. dats my perspective. ..mayb yu should try talking to her….
:)) good luck
Girls are really hard to deal with, we are strange creatures that’s for sure. I’m sorry that they are being so cruel. I just went home for my baby shower, I sold my company and decided that I wanted a family, I saved up and was really excited. I called my old best friend of 5 years to invite her, we had a falling out over her asking me to pay the down payment on her car? I thought it was weird and said no.. she stopped talking to me for 2 years over 500.- which we were 19.. that’s so much money when you are young.. anyway! I invited her and she was SO cruel in her response.. She’s broken my heart so many times, and what has taken me a long while to figure out is…. She is so stuck on herself that why would I give to someone that takes and does not deposit anything back into me. You can always tell a good relationship by the give and take. you don’t want someone who will overdraw you.