i no alot of people here are probley going through worse then i am but i still would like to share my story so here it goes………….
in 1999 my parents and older sister older brother and younger brother and me wwere all drivin and we got in a wreck killen all of us exept me iwas onlyy 2 and i had to liv in an orphange and it was very scary in there wen u r that young but wen i was 9 i was adopted. iwish she didnt even see me that day because wen i was 13 she pulled me out of school i was in 8th and put me in home schooling she pulled me out because i would go to school with bruises sprains breaks and cuts fom her the previouse morning or night but no one cared until a girl 2 grades up from me stared asking q’s and my adopted mo stared to get worreid she would get cought so she pulled me out and i still get beat by her and i would always wander wat my life would be like if my family didnt have to drive that day to take me to my resital i no if i didnt join tapp dancing wen i was little (i quit) my family would still be alive to this day i no it is my fault that they r dead and i cant tell myself that it isnt because i no and so doese every1 else who i have hear this story no that it is my fault
It is most definitely not your fault. You had no idea it would happen, and you were also only 2 at the time. I don’t think it is your fault, and I’ve heard your story. So you can’t say that everyone else thinks that it’s your fault. I’m sorry for your loss, but it wasn’t your fault. And, are you able to talk to a trusted adult in your life? Do you have one who would listen to you and help you out? Because if so, you should tell that adult about your adoptive mother. I know, that sounds really cliche, but it’s true. Or, you could contact your social worker (do you have one? I don’t exactly understand the whole social worker-adoption stuff) or the police next time your “mother” beats you, and you would have physical proof of the allegations you are making against her. And you could even, if possible for you, secretly record (either video or audio) your “mother’s” next assault on you. Although I am hoping and praying you don’t have to go through another beating. My huge 16-year-old-heart goes out to you. If you would like, feel free to email me at mary.e.birkhead@gmail.com. I will always reply.
thanks about everything and a social worker is called a social officer and i dont have one after the5th year of being adopted my 5th year was up januray 17 2012
Hi there…the issue isn’t who’s fault it is. Along with that your jumping to conclusions about things you may not have all the information to.
Life is happening all the time, even as you read this…accidents, etc….150 000 people make the choice on some level to cross over…or as you would say, die. You may not accept what I’m writing here but your folks on a certain level made a choice to leave their physical life. Your folks are in the non physical now and doing very well and I’m sure care deeply for you and want you to know, that nothing even close to what you’re talking about is your fault.
We make a choice to come into this life and do our best to deal with the circumstances we are faced with. At 2 yrs old why would you put the hurt on yourself and carry that kind of weight. The most important thing is for you to talk to someone about this. We often come to the wrong conclusions and form beliefs that do not serve our best interests. You are to precious to be beating yourself up with this kind of thinking. Be gentle with yourself. Start there, speak to someone and you will find things resolve easier for you…take care.
Not sure if you believe in a higher power…but nothing happens in this world without it being allowed to happen by the laws in the universe. Hope this helps. Good luck.!
thanks and i will try
Do yourself a favour and stop being the victim. Find the older person that started asking questions and tell her the truth as she cared n will most likely help you (maybe give u somewhere to stay etc).
You are in danger. You will stay in danger as long as you allow yourself to be. Your life is yours to control how you choose. Get out of there.
i will try my best 2 get out
I’ve always wondered what I’d be like If I qrew up In a foster home.Sounds bad and I’m sorry for what you have endured,really!You don’t desrve any of It!
trust u do not want 2 grow up in a foster
hon,please don’t give up! do you have a social worker or someone you can ask for help from? please reach out,you don’t deserve to be abused!! theres help everywhere,please tell someone!
and i’m so sorry about what happened to your family,but it is NOT your fault. I struggled with guilt about my mom dying-she had cancer when she was pregnant with me and might have lived if she had aborted me. for years i felt like it was my fault she is dead. but it isn’t,no more than anything you did as a little girl. you were just a child! car accidents happen all the time,every day,but that’s just what they are-accidents. what happened to your family IS NOT YOUR FAULT.it could have happened on the way to the grocery store. we all take our lives in our hands when we drive. but it had nothing to do with you-it was a terrible terrible accident.
thank u and im sorry about ur loss as well
I am so sorry. Will you call the police, then? And please, feel free to email me if you need to talk.