Last year at school i was on top of everyhing and i ad geat friends. This yeear my bsstfriends ditched me for a different bestfriend and i ty not to are but i cry everytime i listen to a song i think relates to me and her , i ant stop not caring. I have tryed talking to her but she is just shutting me out and she was my bestfriend and lots of hurtful words have come from her mouth towards me. And even my friends told me she hasnt liked me. And everyone at school is calling me a ginger, it really hurts my feelings because its NONSTOP.Please help?
Hey Madi, you know its amazing how well your managing, you deserve a big hug specially from me. I do know what your going through. I’m 15 and and a lot of my freinds have ditched me, and rumours have spread, so i do know what its like. But not only that i fo know how to stop it.
One problem is your friends. If your friends hurt you and on purpose then they’re not exactly good friends. You deserve better friends ones that respect you. It may be hard but you can try to make new friends. You might not notice but not everyone hurts you at school. There are those people that care. If you want to know how to make friends do ask, but my main advice would be to have friends be a friend.
Then the second the name calling. Well you have certain options. One you can try to stand up for yourself. But if your less confident and depending on your age you can tell a teacher. I know your against but honestly words like these turn into actual violence, and i can tell that its likley to happen Are you really going to wait that long?
What happens hurts but don’t take it to heart. It will only heart you more. Brush it off, not everyone is evil there are those sparks of good out there. Please get some help- these things don’t go away on their own
We’re here if you need us.
thanks so much and i will try to make new friends! last night i was texting “my friends” and they were hanging out with those 2 girls that are making me go through all of this! UNBELIVABLE ): im 13 and i have red hair so they calll me ginger and i will try to stop this. thank you and i will try to manage well.