So im apologizing…again…because he wants to put me down..Im apologizing…again..because he wants to argue…im apologizing…again..because he doesnt believe that i dont want my best friend…im apologizing…again…because i wont stop being friends with my best friend…im apologizing…again..because he had another girl in his bed and he thinks that i’ll get revenge on him by doing the same…Why am i apologizing? I did nothing wrong…right?
Ur right! He sounds like a dick! Ditch him and hang out with ur friend.
I cant even hang out with him..he lives far away… :[
Can u Skype, chat or call him?
Yeahh i do. All the time..but now he’s mostly with his gf so now im lonely cause my bf doesnt wanna talk to me and i have less bestfriend time -_- life blows.
You’re apologizing because your a better person. A good person treats thier friends well, a better person treats thier enemies with equal disposition. You act accoding to your own set of morals and ideals regardless of somone else’s actions. That is a sign of strength not weakness.
The best thing to do is lay everything out, logically and reasonably, don’t hold anything back. Most every problem between people comes down to a lack of understanding. There are things you wont compromise like your friendships or the stability of having a partner that wont cheat on you. If this is something that wont happen where you are then leave.
I dont actually know any details of your situation but try to think of why things have happened, why does he think that way and why did he sleep with another? Once you know why, then you can change those things if possible. If its something you cant change and something HE has to change, then either help him change it or leave. Try to stay calm too, anger leads to irrational thoughts and dumb mistakes which should be obvious from his actions.
When it comes to putting you down, they are just words. Words only hold wieght in the minds of those who listen to them. Its up to you whether to find truth in them or not. As someone who relies on logic more than anything I rarely let anything said get to me becuase unless someone provides adequate supporting evidence for me being an asshole I am inclined to not belief them.
-Hope things work out, MCB
MCB thanks for the advice. Its just that we argue every day about something different and I”M always the one that ends up apologizing. Yeahh everyones been telling me I need to leave but i love him. Very much. We only argue when we get on the phone together. All day today we had an amazing day laughing and spending time with eachother..whispering i love you and i love you more..but everytime we get on the phone after the day is over, we argue about an hour or two into the conversation…i think it really is time for me to leave but he was the only thing i had to live for..not even the baby
If he was all you lived for then you wouldnt care about the fights or the cheating. You obviously still care about yourself and your ideals so this psuedo-depedency is not something you should be worried about. No one can live entirely for another person without losing who they are. From you post, you know who you are, live for you.
If DONT care about the fights or cheating..i just want him to see that no matter what, i’ll love him. I have lost who i am. I allow myself to be cheated on, beaten, talked down to and lied to and so much more just to keep him…