I am finished with my life and i will finish it this time. I have written my goodbye letters and have arranged everything so that i will finaly be able to leave this world.
All that is left is to apologise to the people on this site who i have promised to keep on trying, but have instead let them down. Also i want to say thank you to all the lovely people who have commented on my post with caring comments. Because of you guys i can at least leave this world with a tiny bit of happiness. You guys have given me the most happiness i have ever had in my 14 years of life at that with just your kind, loving and helpful comments. I’m realy greatful for this website, it probaly save a lot of lives, for me it was just too late sorry. Thank you and goodbye. <3
Stop, please.. You are 14 years of age! You have over sixty years of life left. Just take some time.. Oh dear god, just please don’t do anything. You don’t understand the slightest bit, you may not be happy not, whatever is happening now. Is happening now, you have a future, a damn good one. This is just a single moment of time, it will be over before you have time to blink! When it gets there you will realize how big of a mistake you could have of made.
Please…Just live, Please. People care and people love you, regardless of me knowing you, or anything about you, I know I do. Things will get better just wait…
Yes stop! don’t do anything. Even if it means waiting 5 minutes, or 10 or a few days. No, you have not let anyone down..we all know this is an uphill battle and we all understand things and all have different life experiences to offer and we can help in anyway you need..Just please don’t do anything to hurt yourself!
There is always another option. It might seem as if everything is dirt but whenever ur at ur lowest the only place you can go is higher. I’m 14 too and it is such a hard time being an almost child and almost adult. Air out your feelings here and keep fighting! That’s sometimes all you can do. We will listen after all that my screen name 🙂
MIMI DON’T!! Come on! Remember when we were talking and you were trying to encourage me?! Don’t do it! I had the worst weekend alive and I tried killing myself again. Nobody cared but two people. I feel alone in this world but please don’t! I know how you feel, I really do. I would miss you and I don’t even really know you other than the couple times we talked! Please don’t!
But whats the piont?! Why keep on goIng through all this pain if i can end it?
Do you know what’s on the other side? What if it’s more pain? And what about us, the people here who care? We will be in pain too if we lost you. Come on, just hold on a little longer honey….we will be here for you.
If you could have both would you?
If you could have your life, but also end your pain, would you?
I would. And Mimi, I am in sooo much pain too, but I would be very upset if you went through with it. I don’t even know why I am trying to stop you though cause I just tried to kill myself Saturday. I feel like a hypocrite. All I can say is I know how you feel. I’m so sorry.
What your going through is horrible… it made cry. Im really sorry about everything… ive been through A LOT of what you have and probably even more. All I have to say is i know its not easy going through all this and you just want to end it all, but remember YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE so make it worth it! Your only 14, if i were you i would start ignoring everyone and not pay to what they say and not even talk to them when they ask you something. I know its not easy but you could try and ignore them and show them how much you dont appreciate how they treat you and your not going to take it anymore. You have a long life a head of you… in high school, you meet a lot of new people and in collge… you can totally go to the other side of the world and remeber life is a test. Just like teachers dont give you the answer during a test, God wont either. its all a test. You have a long life ahead of you… and if all this stuff is this bad for you, you should go to a counselor and if not a counselor then go directly to your principle and in front of everyone talk about how your being bullied and tell him/her the teachers dont even care! You might think its embarassing but trust me, 5 years later your gonna be like wow i shouldve said something and you will regret suicide, i dont know you but i as far as reading your posts, i know your a very strong girl and if you went through all this for 14 years, go through a little longer and try changing things and speaking out. Your going to turn 18 in the blink of an eye and trust me everything will be different. Im 17 1/2 and ive gone through shit my whole life… trust me… the wait is worth it. try keeping yourself busy by joining a sport or cclub or volunteering and going to the gym. Theres many things you can do 🙂 just keep your head up and please dont do anything. please. I would be happy knowing i saved your life =] look beyond the pain.STAY STRONG remember… you have a LONGGG life ahead of you