I am back people, I just got out of the hospital. And now I am back, i got 42 hugs, 5 kisses, and 2 punches. People were very happy to see me, many people were. And it confuses me, i feel like the biggest peice of shit, i feel like no one cares, but the thing is, EVERYONE seems to care about me. Out of the 400 people, 300-350 missed me…
Weeeeeeeeee you are loved!
Yeah, for some reason.
Reason for love…cause it feels good is reason enough.
Good for you. Youre making nuclearanthrax sound like either a not such a bad thing or else time for a name change?
Glad you are back and reporting from the light side of the moon, eh? Hell maybe the hospital is the only place most people have the time and support to show they care for one another as opposed out here in the rat race maze.
Love is the only endorphin for emotional pain, far as I can tell.
Good for you.
Glad that you have found a strong reason to survive.