Me and my step dad dont ever talk. He’s been my step dad since i was 7 and Im 15 now and we have never had a real conversation. I try to ignore that i dont have a dad in my life but it gets hard. Today my mom asked me to clean the living room and i said ya and nicely asked my step dad to throw his trash away instead of leave it in there and hes like no thats what your for. He honestly doesnt give a shit about me. And Im fine with that i guess.. but I cant stand when he talks to me the way he does and my mom must laughs. I dont know what im supposed to do
Go and tell your mom how you feel. See what happens.
I just love when I get to have you guys in room alone with me…
It takes less than an hour before the tears start.
No silly, not your tears, his tears…
There is a complex reason that he treats you this way and it may have nothing to do with you.
Don’t blame yourself.
It sounds like you need someone to help negotiate a proper relationship for you and your stepdad.
But it sounds like Mom can’t help, she doesn’t see the problem.
Is there anyone else in your life you can talk to?