Hey people 🙂
today is such a beautiful day. Sitting at work and waiting patients. Finally sun came to my dark country.
I’m glad by myself – finally i went out if my depression mood. Now it seems funny. It took me 1 month crying and drinking, then 1 month standing up. Its not fair, love shits and lost boyfriend made me act like a dumb. I don’t remember i was crying last time so much 😀 I guess i was missing memories and good time together. He was really great man and will always stay my soulmate.
each relationship teaches me something. This time i learnt my lesson – never hurry up and never start long-distance relationship. Possible, but hard thing.
i closed my heart now from any relation. Of course, i have the man whom im “in love” with 3 years, but he will never look to me.
Sadly, most of my suiciders patients who are young 20-30 yrs wants to disappear because of fucking love.
It’s such a strong chemistry that takes out brain so fast and so strong! I really wish that everyone can be happy and luckily on that thing. Impossible.
well, the way i went out was i cried out all of my tears. i drunk out tones of wine with my friend, who took my tears away. Then i went out to the night-city to dance out my sadness. Then i blocked my ex”love” from all virtual space. Then i started work as hell. Sport as hell. Smoke as hell. Laugh as hell. Meet people as much as i could.
It worked perfect. Heart fixed – no pain at all anymore. i guess to next adventure. I always lost my mind on love. That’s the way of scorpio i guess.. All big glass of emotions.
There’s always a bright side – no luck at home -> biggest luck at job. No tired. No minds. Just concentration to people.
I guess when we run away from our own problems – we really fix others perfect.
Just wanna wish all of You today – good mood, sunlight and feel the touch of spring – so freshy !!!
So glad to see you fix yourself! Here in southern hemisphere it got suddenly cold grr.
Btw I am the queen of long distance relationships. Urgh seems I am just not attracted to people of my own country. Keep uP the good work and enjoy the sun shining on you!!!
LOL queen 😀 thanks Darling :]]]
Good to know that you are ok. I have a suggestion though, try quitting smoking. I am an addict myself and have been trying to quit for sometime.
If you decide to quit, here is a tip. When you go for sometime without smoking, you get depressed. That is because, lack of nicotine inhibits your dopamine receptors in the brain. That is why you get depressed not because life sucks. About a week or two into it you will be back to your normal self after the receptors are back online!
thanks for advice 🙂 smoking is part of my job. Everyone is smoking in ambulance, because of abnormal number of calls each 24 h shift. It’s the way to communicate or to open eyes at 3 a.m. when dispatcher is screaming GO GO GO.. and so on.. Nobody talks about damage of smoking between rescue workers here..
it’s strange, im being just a job smoker.. Yes, i was smoking at home when i was crying a month like a baby, but overall, 3 years im smoking just in job. Nonsence also, i go for sports between shifts.. hmm.. maybe i really need to think bout it?!
……..but my mediators and receptors makes such a great feeling with a morning coffee and taste of nicotine <3 yammy!
“freshy”…like that.
“This time i learnt my lesson – never hurry up and never start long-distance relationship. ”
Soooooo true. And sounds like you feel connected other places so as to not to feel starved and ravenous …thats when we hurry I believe.
Coffee good. Sport good. Smoke bad.
Rescue workers can be a stoic bunch, eh?