From the time I was 2 until I was 14 I was raped molested and took from place to place for men to do what they wanted to me! My mom knew they beat and took my childhood. Then I was adopted at 11 and raped by the boys there until 14.. I am now 21 my spirit is broken my will to live is gone! And people tell you change the future.. Well I cant change the past and let me tell u it alot to do with your future. You look at me and you would never know anything had ever happen… Im not that strong anymore its to much to handle.. I cant forget I dont wanna live anymore… Its to painful!
So damn I understand that you believe future doesn’t exist anymore.
Those assholes do anything to comfort their…
I’m sorry not being able to tell what I think exactly. Wild and bloody stuff, you know, not for you. Can’t be neutral about it..
Its rough stuff and youd think time would help but it gets worse day by day
My sexual fantasy is to be in your position. Lucky.
Anyways yeah you are fucked in the long run if you cant get over it.
Don’t say someone is lucky for living a terrible reality. It’s different from a fantasy played out in a safe environment where you are in control of the situation.