Ever since I started smoking, I don’t know if its the weed but my self esteem dropped down completely and my anger problems have gotten even worse. I stopped smoking and I still have the same problems so I’m started to worry about myself and others around me. The majority of the time, I just burst out whatever is on my mind at the moment which is things I regret in the future. I can’t talk about it with my family cause they’ll think I’m psycho but I truthfully wanna know what’s the matter with me. I know it doesn’t sound like such a difficult problem to you guys but its very hard for me to hold back and have confidence. Really hard…
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Hey are you a newbie???
You think the weed did that to you?For me If anythinq the weed helped me out.I used to have really bad mood swinqs but the weed,It just mellowed me out you know?As for the self estem I had before I started smokinq so I don’t know?It’s made my cardio bad!