I really hate religion its such a disease It causes wars, murder, and hatred. Nobody can come up with a single real proof of God but humanity will kill over it. I also hate when people say that god sends people who kill themselves to hell I’ll send God to hell if he exists for obvious reasons. I am also starting to hate humanity becuase I see how we destroy the earth and torture, rape and murder each other and all the animals, follow what we are told without question and then say we are the most intelligent species. I really feel bad for animals though because they had this beautiful earth that provided all that was needed and then humans bombed it polluted it and killed of species so now The earth is fucked. I also hate the millitary becuase the people who join it sign away their freedom and agree to take orders without question, and that sounds like the most idiotic thing possible. I also hate bullies If I could go back in time I would put on brass knuckles and break their jaws. I also hate America’s obsession with money and how we value money over human lives so we don’t find a cure for cancer because the doctors make more money off the drugs. I also hate how America treats EVERYTHING with drugs like if you go to a doctor they always put you on drugs and they dont care about actually helping you becuase they make alot of money off of your misery. I also hate how kids are treated like they are stupid and can’t make their decisions. I also hate how easy humans are to control. These songs are great descriptions of how I feel: KMFDM:Dogma KMFDM:New American Century Children Of Bodom:Mask Of Sanity Children Of Bodom:Hate Me Gojira: A Sight To Behold Gojira: The Art Of Dying Nine Inch Nails : March Of The Pigs Nine Inch Nails:Ruiner Nine Inch Nails: Heresy Nine Inch Nails:Eraser Nine Inch Nails:The Downward Spiral Gravity Kills: Falling
There is proof of a God lol if you don’t want to believe it , it’s a different thing.
Can you please explain your proof to us? I would really like to know. The very idea of dinosaurs and fossils seem to disprove the whole creationism dealio.
First there’s the bible, it was written only for one purpose and that’s to let the people know that there’s a heaven and a hell and God is giving us salvation. The proof is that the bible has written many years ago and it has prophecies that have come true. There’s proof of various things too like Noah’s ark and it is clearly proven. I’ve witnessed miracles too, I’ve felt the holy spirit of God amd he has helped me through alot. There are so many things really and right now I can’t explain it here clearly in a simple paragraph… So if you want you can give me your emails and I’ll send more explanation.
I will have to sorely admit that i am in the navy. It has taken alot of my self pride. I have no respect for myself anymore and when i go on my Last Vacation (leave) i will probably end up taking my .45 to my mouth or the side of the head, and i will have a noose around my neck and i will be elevated to increase the odds. I will also be isolated in the mountains. I have joined because i thought the military was so much more than what it was depicted in movies and yet i find out that it is almost the same. There is so much hypocrisy inside of it and it is such a rank-based communist nazi society itself i can’t beleive this is America’s military! I have lost my self respect and i will leave alot behind because the military is all i barley know and i cannot function in the world anymore. I admit that i am a fool. But for alot of hopeless people, the military is a big option. If you want to kill a military member, give me suicide tips. I leave entries here and i dont want to use my real email since it has my name on it, but just comment on one of my entries and leave what you wanna put. One less mind washed fuck off the face of earth…
Animals are not that nice.
And some of them, like dolphins, kill and torture for sport just like humans.
The problem with humanity is that we built cities and toys and thought we were the high kings of the land.
Which basically let our problems manifest themselves in a different way.
We are just animals with a different type of awareness from those we have encountered so far on earth.
Wars, crime, and violence are just our survival instincts with no outlet.
Since many of us no longer have to hunt and defend ourselves against nature daily, those traits have turned against us.
I also hate how humans are easy to control, especially me.
You should try not to think about those things too much, easier said then done though. I’m saying that mainly because I’ve thought about humanity countless times and how much I hate certain things they do, makes you feel worse or it does for me anyway. Religion is fake but even thought it has brought about negative actions, it also brings about good values so don’t shun it completely. God? Well he either doesn’t exist or he’s malevolent and deserves to be punched in the throat. I’ll try my best to do so for all of you if I go under XD
@FTW0990 I am sorry I didn’t mean it as a personal attack on a help site, I read your reply and I think I understand. I realize that joining the military is shown as heroic and Patriotic. You couldn’t have known what it is like until you were in it. I always thought of people in the military as brainwashed trigger happy assholes who join to kill innocent people. but I am sorry you sound like a great person.
@Youdeservemore Tsubatsu01@gmail.com
It is shown as it alot. Specially with the latiest few movies that came out. It is sometimes but most the time it’s a system of hierarchy and rank and attention to appearance and how nice or smart someone sounds. Its a very self demeaning career. You can’t quite and the rights you get sometimes suck depending on what unit or command you go to or who you work for in you chain of “leaders” or superiors as they like to be called.
It realy sucks the life out of you after a while and you realise you can’t even talk back unless your superior is chill and has no thorn up his rectum. It’s rare though . Its just getting worse as the military starts to decompose.
But hey it could be worse, I could be a cop ! Talk about harming the innocents!