I am a worthless piece of trash. I do everything wrong even when I don’t mean to. I hurt people, I hurt them badly. And either I can’t say I’m sorry or they don’t believe me. I can do nothing right ever. I feel so horrible right now. I want to tell everyone that I’m sorry…I just can’t handle myself. I’m so sorry.
Hey don’t do anything you won’t be alive to regret. You can’t go back and fix anything if you’re gone. You are not trash you are not worthless. No one deserves to feel that way. I’m trying to convince myself as much I’m trying to convince you. You’re not worthless. I’m not worthless. No one deserves to feel like that. Ever. And no one deserves any of the things people on this site have gone through and what they are still going through. But they all know the pain. You aren’t the only one who feels like that. People relate and I really don’t know what else to say but you haven’t hurt anyone here. You’ve probly helped people just with some thing you say on here. You are not worthless. You just need to get away. That’s what I’m trying to do right now and I hope it works
Dont worry, I learned to be like Yeshua Messiah. I forgive you, even if you were employed by the evil american government. I take the pain cause I can. If i can tell you one thing, I’d give my life for you, cause I already have. The FBI and SS and DEA and cops are out to kill me. Obama sucks.
I have thick skin and know that your anger and biterness are justified and you can lay it on me. I will try my best to be compassionate. I will try and take your evil and make it good, though it may kill me…
Same here. Somehow i always hurt ppl unintentionaly. I feel so bad about it and i dont ever have the guts to say sorry. I wish i can tell them i really didnt mean to hurt, words just come out. I guess i cant blame ppl when they drop away. So much guilt n cant do a thing about it
Everybody hurts people. We all do it all the time, no matter what our circumstances are. That doesn’t make you a piece of trash. Nobody is worthless.