im thinking,the next train usaully goes past a little after 10 o clock,i waited untill it gets dark out so noone sees me and gets tramatized,mabey i should jump the train first, see were it takes me,mabey to a different state,but then i will have to change my appearence, if i do decide to go tonight, im nervis,iv been out of my body before,i have had a obe,and i saw something i never want to see again,wen i went back in my body, i still felt that presence,i dont know what happens wen you die, noone does untill it happens to them, but being out of my body that time, it was close enough,well wish me luck
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noexception i really hope you dont go through with that. You keep thinking of these new and strange ways to kill yourself. But there are also ways that you may live through them, and have your body seriously disfigured. I mean yeah getting hit by a train does sound like you wouldnt survive. But what if you chicken out at the last second and try to escape and it only runs over your leg or arm, then you would have a missing limb for the rest of your life. I know that sounds weird, but does surviving a shot from a shotgun to the face sound like you would survive? well this guy did —> . I know you probably dont want to hear this, but dont go through this. I know you may feel alone now, but i do to, and im still here. It may sound cliche, but who knows what the near future holds. I sound like a hypocrite because i was going to off myself a couple of days ago to. But i wouldnt do it like this. And you know its a felony, i know because i got arrested for being near train tracks once, only didnt go to jail because i was a minor. So what if you got caught? Do you really want to go to jail for something so small??