I wanna see your thoughts or beliefs.. Mine are that God wants to save me from this horrible world we live in.
I wanna see your thoughts or beliefs.. Mine are that God wants to save me from this horrible world we live in.
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Thanks for bringing this up. I dont belong to a particular religion, but i do believe in god, in a sense that theres something in the universe thats unconditionally loving and its eternally connected to all things, this love includes hatred and violence. I also believe as human beings we are given a choice to consiously seek this connection. And lastly, i believe that this tremendous amount of suffering we have is gods way of calling us back. So called tough love. Now my question is how do you get to IT? Cuz beliving alone isnt enough, how do you get to know this power via direct experience, not concept?
Ok … @Wannabfree. The world makes up so much stupid stuff that is confusing people , then again most of the world is stupid and I’m talking about the people living in it obviously. Today I’m going to tell you the truth and why do I say truth? Because I’ve witnessed God’s work and when I ask confirmation to him in my mind he shows me that it really is him. I have felt his holy spirit connected to me and believe me it’s the most peaceful experience I have ever had in my life.I believe in a God of love, a God of great power who created us for good and he never hates but remember that God isn’t the only one that wants us…there comes the devil, the devil wants to destroy us and he is very smart and he has and army (demons) and what does he do? Confuse us all and tries to get your thoughts on something that’s not real. – – – Now if you really want the real loveable God to come to your life you must clear your mind on whatever you think about God or if you think this is stupid or fake or whatever cause that’s the first mistake humans make.They don’t atart to believe with their hearts and think it wont work. If I were you I’d go to a church and it has to be christian not catholic cause they are not telling the truth completely. Ok then think of it as a relationship with God and not a stupid religion. You should pray and open your heart to God and just like I said you have to believe in him and don’t give up easily cause remember there are other things trying to keep you away from the real love of God. <3 Email me if you want to reply cause it's difficult for me to answer in this website. stephie96@yahoo.com God bless you.
I believe that I am a random product of my parents failure with birth control.
Because it can be scientifically proven.
You still have a life to plan out
@Owen perhaps they never used BC LOL 🙂
@YDM – god wants to save us for the horrible world?!? really? the omnipotent, almighty, all knowing, all powerful? Why would one of his creations need saving from his other creations?
Nope – no god, no heaven no hell … make much more logical sense when you remove the convoluted, fantastic, contradictory, illusion of gods, magic, flying zombie offspring, devils and so forth and so on. the bible nails down truth about as much as “The History of the World Part 2” by Mel Brooks (great movie)
nothing against the faithful – but I ain’t buyin it
skeptic dawg
I think God and Jesus and all that is a load of BS. And that nobody can determine whether you are ‘saved,’ ‘condemned’, or whatever, and that there is no foreign deity or god or overlord or anything that controls out lives and creates life and created the earth. Honestly, I’m gonna have to say I believe in science and magic. Why magic? Because that’s the unknown factor of science. It’s what happens when there is no explanation for an outcome that should not have, under any possible circumstance, happened. Basically, magic is the unexplainable, and yet it is science. Magic is science, and science is magic. Don’t get it? Sorry bout that but I have no idea how to explain that properly. Also, I believe in the here and the now. I don’t give a damn about the future, and the past will always haunt me.
It doesn’t matter what you believe in.
What matters is what is true for you? what will give you peace?
If you believe in God, but are miserable, then why believe?
But if your belief sustains you, helps you, this is faith.