so i posted something on a website,i posted that i was trying to make friends, friends and nothing more, so this dude replies,and says he wants to be friends, so he writes me once, i write him once,then his girl friend starts harrassing me going into his email, talk shit, acting like i was trying to be more then friends,saying i destroyed her family, i dont even know her family, and i keep telling him to leave me alone to, and he wont, is it even possible to destroy someones family if you never met them and only talk to someone a couple times through an email?that makes me feel pretty fucking powerful that i can detroy something i never even knew, wow, didnt know i had that much power, i guess you have to be a weak ***** in order to let someone you never met destroy you,
You have to stop trying to make friends over the Internet. Look, if most of the people you know in the real world are nasty jerks, what makes you think people on the Internet are any different. I know your going to think, well how am I ever going to meet anyone then. Try reputable dating sites and get to know the person well first before you meet. It’s ok for me, I’m a guy so the worst that can happen is that I get maced but anything could happen to you. I know before you said you didn’t care but that’s not what we are working towards. These guys are weirdos and that one was prepared to cheat on his wife, what a scumbag.
but it wasnt over the internet,i had a friend, well i can refraise that,(a shitty friend) that was moving and she gave this person my email,and he emailed me and i emailed him, so she said he would be a good friend, she kinda introduce us, but not really,
i know, thats why i give up
and it was just a friend thing, i didnt want to date him,
Yeah but he probably had other ideas. Why else would be want your email. One thing I’ve learnt about normal people, nothing is for free in this world.
Block his email. Block him from everything. sounds like bad news. If his gf reacted like that, he’s probably cheated on her loads of times before. He sounds like a creep.
Also, agree with duke. stop looking for friends on the internet. Doesn’t matter if you wanted friends or a date. You can’t guage people until you meet them in real life.
What! you can have friends on the internet. Just don’t give them your real name or e-mail address every time I come here and respond to posts I feel like I have friends. The more distant the better only soul mates can be in each others personal space mate. The world gets darker and crueler with every passing year. Watch your back ay and talk to us were always here when we’re not trying to kill ourselves.