For anyone who is feeling suicidal, would you please answer the following questions?
Please tell me if:
1. You have never taken medication for depression
2. You are taking medication but it is not helping you
I would also be interested to know:
A. If you have taken medication, what has been your experience with it? Are you still
waiting for it to work? Have you tried many kinds but nothing has helped you yet?
B. If you have never taken medication for depression, what is your reason? Under
what conditions would you agree to get on medication?
I am someone who did not believe medication would help me when I was severely depressed and, therefore, I was not cooperative. I felt that if I took it and it didn’t help me I would look like even more of a failure (a sick failure) to my family. And I was pretty sure it wouldn’t help me.
But, when I got better (but had had 3 episodes of depression) I decided that maybe I should try medication because I didn’t want to suffer with it again. I did begin taking medication (have been for 18 years) and it keeps me from getting depressed. So, thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I’m just curious. Appreciate it.
well, i don’t take anything. I’m 14. but get severely bullied everyday and think about killing myself everyday. i need help but only my parents are willing to help, my best friend doesnt care 🙁
1. Yes,several and they are horrible and do not work and now I refuse.
A. It generally feels worse before it gets “better” The better is not really better, it is just a switch to turn emotions off. Generally, most antidepressants make you eat more, they make you feel a little better, but I have had too many negative side effects that I cannot deal with. I have tried several kinds, mostly SSRI’s.
Time course of action for most antidepressants is 4 weeks, I actually specialize on the effects of disease and injury on the brain and know this area intimately, but I will not bore everyone. Basically serotonin levels are increased effectively from around 4 weeks together with other neurotransmitters and also stimulates new cell growth in a very specific area of the brain.
I have tried meds, but I am very against them. I think though everyone should at least try them, you never know.
1.I have never taken meds.Then again I was never diagnozed with depression but it’s obvious to me.
B.If I would ask to takes meds,I think I would refuse.The reason is I don’t want some artificial happiness given by pills.If I ever get better someday,I want it to be my doing alone so I can at least feel some achievement
Hello (:
Im currently on meds and have been for a little over a month now. Honestly, I feel pretty much the same. My friends&family though have both said they noticed a difference. Referring to Tarot with the artficial happiness…I had told one of my close friends I was honestly ashamed to admit I was on the medicine to some people because I felt pathetic that I needed help to be happy. But when I was given the prescription after being diagnosed, I was like well Ive been fighting this depression for 3 years, scared a lot of people, and the side effects from the pills cant be any worse then that. I was slightly right, the stomach pains the first weeks were hell..but Ive had none since and its great.
So im for the meds. Ive made it clear to my close friends that even though I have to stay on the medcine for atleast 6 months before my mom and I can decide to take me off of it, Im probably not going to want to get off. I dont want to go back to where I was.
Thanks to those who have answered/shared so far. I’m so curious as to approximately what percentage of people on this site actually take medicine or what percentage never has.
I’ve been lucky that side effects haven’t been too bad for me. And the ones I have had are nothing compared to the disruptiveness of depression.
To TarotXIII, I wish you wouldn’t think that the chemistry in your brain is something that you can affect by yourself. If you had diabetes would you refuse to take insulin in favor or trying to, what, somehow make your blood sugar be at a different level? How would you do that? I mean, you can see how that is a physiological and chemical situation and that’s why people take medicine. The brain is the same. You can’t help the fact that the chemical composition or functioning in your brain is off any more than a person with diabetes can be expected to be responsible for their level of insulin.
Give yourself a break, ok? I’m pissed off about the fact that modern medicine has not done a better job of making health care equally available and equally legitimate to all people whether they have an endocrine imbalance, cancer, or brain illness.
Oh, and if you had a broken leg, would you refuse a cast and go out and try to run in a track meet just to prove you didn’t get any artificial help? Think about it some more. Don’t be unhappy for nothing. It’s not worth it.
Everlasting I am very intrigued by what you do and what you know. It doesn’t bore me. Guess I’m weird. I would like to talk to you more some time. Thanks.
Caitlin, I’m sorry to hear that you are being bullied. I think it is terrible that any kid should have to be bullied. I think that parents need to unite with each other at their kids’ schools and demand that the schools put bullies on notice that their behavior will NOT be tolerated. Teachers and school personnel should be criminally liable if they witness bullying and then do thing to punish the offenders. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help to you. As for your “best” friend, well maybe she isn’t a “best” friend. Maybe you need a new best friend–someone you can count on. Chances are your current “best” friend is being a jerk because she knows it is hurting you. It’s kind of a human nature thing. If you quit letting it bother you (because why would she be worth it if she is treating you that way?) then she will back off. People tend to want to have what they can’t have and they tend to pick on those who are vulnerable. Anyway you can reinforce to yourself that you are a cool and strong person who doesn’t deserve such treatment and won’t tolerate it, the stronger you will become. You need to toughen up as much as you can without becoming a jerk like the bulliers. Be a friend to someone who doesn’t have one. That’s my best advice. And know that some of the most successful people in the world were once bullied. Great that your parents are there for you, too! Be strong. You’ll get through it. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve never taken medication for my depression even though I was diagnosed with depression, however my mom, therapist and doctor tricked me and said the tablets I was taking were for my headaches when infact they were for depression. I soon caught on and flushed the pills.
I mean why must I be forced to take them? why were they forcing me to be a different person? I quit going to that therapist (thank goodness) and I hardly trust my mom… so yeah meds have screwed me over.
I’ve never taken medication for my depression even though I was diagnosed with depression, however my mom, therapist and doctor tricked me and said the tablets I was taking were for my headaches when infact they were for depression. I soon caught on and flushed the pills.
I mean why must I be forced to take them? why were they forcing me to be a different person? I quit going to that therapist (thank goodness) and I hardly trust my mom… so yeah meds have screwed me over. and i’m still hating this life more than ever!