I come here sometimes just to read. It amazes me that so many young men and women want to harm yourselves. Don’t take this the wrong way because I too started writing because life had become unbearable. I took enough pills a few months ago. that I thought I might finally have made it. The next day I woke up with my husband trying to talk to me. What a fool to put my family through so much pain. For God sake people your problem is you. Get out of your own way and stop being so SELF absorbed! Why not try as hard to find a reason, to “NOT” Martyr yourself over your own self induced pain, as you can to do it. Don”t kill yourself waiting for someone to validate you!!!  Validate yourself!
“The problem is you”. BS.
Would you tell someone with a broken leg the problem is them?
is your leg broken? I have been raped, beaten, burned (my left hand), lost my home to fire because of an ex something. Lived in a shelter because I had no choice. Raised a daughter alone with no help. Want to walk a mile in my shoes?? I’ll send them to you… Yes in my life I find it has been my apathy that made me want to die when telling the one inflickting the pain to kiss my ass and go on to live my own life. Death is FINAL!
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns,
Puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Give your life meaning. Only you can.
I wrote a post on here a while back called;
the Suicide
Search for it and give it a read,
Let me know what you think?
Often we mistake suicide and cutting for what they look like,
But the truth lies in what they feel like.
Good Luck.
give me a hint how to find the poem or send it.
Unfortunatly I can’t get get a link to work but if you search for
the Suicide
In the search box it should pop up.
Wow. Chill out. I disagree with your argument and you attack me like I’m some apostate.
My leg isn’t broken, my mind is. And I never asked for it. So I disagree with your assertion that we’re to blame for our own unhappiness. Sure responsibility and the choices we make come into it, but a large part is pure randomness.
Also, I find it absurd that you go apeshit on me, then end your comment with “Peace!”.
I mean, wtf?
I have offended you. I offer my sincere apology. The pain I speak of most here, is usually from external sources being alowed more power than they deserve (and I speak only of those around me that could not understand the source of my pain. In my state of mind I enabled them to inflict damage to my fragile mind because they were sure I was “confused”.) When I realized that those that really do care were being hurt by me, that I was causing the pain they had to endure,I got mad as hell and began fighting back. Like a snail in a well I gain and lose ground but at least the choices are now my own. There is not any desire to attack you for your belief on my part, only a desire that you not sell your life so cheap that the choice to harm yourself is not your own but comes from others who don’t care how they affect you. I do however in all things wish you peace for whatever you choose. Also I am not suggesting you have left your faith, personal philosophy, creed, or other beliefs behind in apostacy but simply that you might consider “to thine own self be true.” Once more Forgive my voice and statement but I am proud of your strength to tell me to fuck off. This is exactly what i intended. Vox
We all have our breaking points, and it seems as though your tolerance levels are pretty high voxpendragon, great. It sounds horrific what you have been through, but we all have our stories and pains and nobody has the same story, but pain is universal. That pain is debilitating for many, for whatever reason. I have to take somewhat an offense to the idea of being “self absorbed” or a “Martyr” for wanting to die. I see my impending suicide as a way to free me of my constant debilitating pain, desperation and suffering, plain and simple.
@ Voxpendragon: Thank you for being so friendly. I was in a foul mood, I’m sorry I took it out on you.