who am i kidding im a nobody. im no artist im not even worth calling trash. i try and try but im still not getting any better with my art.. i cant even design my own original characters without it looking like crap. so y should i even bother. im a failure as a human and an artist…
u cant fail at being a human lol and maybe arts not for you… what else makes you happy, coz art doesnt seem too
@thinkskygee i dont have much that im good at
find something you r good at… art doesnt seem to be your medium so find a new one… i feel for you my artwork sucks but i discovered that when i feel like shit i tend to draw better… weird i know… anyway find a sport your good at or see if you r any good at music… there is a whole word of hobbies out there….. you just gotta find one you like…. hope this helps…
@justwannahelp112 im not good at sports well not a lot and im not commit to it as i am to art but thank you anyways
Art takes effort. Your heart and your soul. Practice makes perfect. Keep at it and you’ll see improvements if you’re passionate enough about art.
@gaara i draw every single day and i post them up on my D.A and tumblr/facebook and i get nothing no one seems to like it im currrently trying to get it out there so maybe i can get something…. but i just dont feel like anyone likes my wrk and i dont think its god at all
i see where your comeing from how u feel your good at nothing else.. im in a rut coz im not working but i dont have the motivation to even try get a job for the fact there isnt a career out there i could se myself doing… its sorta the same for you… i take back what i said before and maybe u do need to stick with it like garra says.. maybe try a different style of art or sumtin… people make bucket loads of money by throwin a few cans of paint on a canvas. it dont evan look like nuthin.. so yehh
ok thank you i will try my very best