its two days away from my 21st birthday,i dont have any body,noone to celebrate it with,or go out to diner or lunch, just me and myself,what the fuck happened,i want to die so bad,im not gonna kill myself,whats the point if noone would care if i was dead either,you know when you once had such good memories that you cant even think about it,cause it kills you,and you didnt mean to ever ruin anything or hurt anybody,you were just young and damaged and screaming out for help,and nobody helped you,but it was ok,i was in a group home but i was actually happy for the first time in my life,almost 19 years old,and they say,move on, but its like rock climbing,if you dont have a higer rock to grip on to ,the you cant let go until you do,and i dont have shit
Ive spent birthdays alone when I was your age.
So have 2 choices, either feel sorry for yourself or make changes
You might be in a position where you don’t have friends or none are available.
So when your birthday arrives sit down with a beer or pop, and write a list up of what you can do to make your birthday next year enjoyable, expand your friendship base, find a boy/girlfriend. I was away working when I was younger so I never knew anyone.
Your a year wiser now
Happy Birthday
I’ll celebrate it with you! I know what you mean with the rock climbing metaphor.. it can be hard to move on.. You know what’s a good way to make friends with similar interests?
Join a forum about something that you like. There must be some sort of hobby or something that you like? You can join a forum and make friends easily that way. I’ll help you with whatever you need, let me know. God bless you.
I just stopped seeing birthday as a special day.
If only everyone on this site would read the power of now by eckhart tolle
when did i ever say i feel sorry for my self?
its my first birthday alone, im gonna feel hurt, who wouldnt, doesnt mean i feel sorry for my self, please dont shove words in my mouth
I read enough philosophy to know words can’t persuade me