Today I just feel so sad and alone. Yesterday I found out I won’t get the job of my dream because of a bad performance review by a manger that never liked me. Even though every one else in the office that worked with me back that was willing to write a review my new place won’t take it. I hated that manager then and I hate her even more now since I will never be able to put that job on any application I fill out.
I’ve already been unemployed for a while and am behind in rent and came home to find a disconnection notice from the utility company. I try and talk to my family and no one cares. My friends are so far away.
The only thing keeping me from catching the train right now is that I promised someone they could come live with me to get out of their own fucked up situation. I’m not even living for me. It’s like everything I do it’s one step forward for 12 steps back.
I made it so far through college only to have to stop with just a couple classes left. And no money to go back. I hate my life. And i’m tired of trying to change it. I just want to end it. I feel like i’m not even worth the space I take up.