me curious .. has any of you ever tried this ?
(I’m not depressed atm, it would be pointless to try it now)
another SP member posted this video a while ago and judging from the comments on youtube, there’s a lot of positive feedback
me curious .. has any of you ever tried this ?
(I’m not depressed atm, it would be pointless to try it now)
another SP member posted this video a while ago and judging from the comments on youtube, there’s a lot of positive feedback
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@truthbetold: Thanks for posting this tutorial. I was skeptical on starting it, but I made it nearly all the way through and felt … a bit distracted from my worst feelings. It may also have been that I was excited to stop by this room today… Well, I’ll leave on a positive note. Thanks again for sharing.
You stupid son of *****.thats the worst meditation technique ive tried.i still feel that physical pain in my chest.not just heart ach but a real fucking pian.on a scale of one to ten its a 29…. im at my breaking point and want to me a favor and pray to what ever god that will listen to kill me.PLEASE… isnt worth living without the one you love you recipricate that love.just pray for me to die ok vigina cleanser( aka duch dag)
You have no idea what real pain is
I don’t know what ‘real pain’ is ??
I was severly depressed a few months ago and it wasn’t my 1st episode of depression .. go whine somewhere else *****
noone forced you to try it .. noone said it’s guaranteed to work .. fuck off
@NothingAmI you’re welcome
A friend of mine emailed me a link to this a month or so ago.
I gave it a shot and failed horribly.
I think it has a lot to do with mind over matter.
If you’re told it will help and you truly believe it, you allow your mind to wander.
Definitely worth reposting.
It may help some.
This technique is unscientific and operates mainly via the placebo effect, although there’s a sensory distraction component via the tapping.
In short, it’s … a bit of a cult.
You know what works better? Hugs, with loved ones. Good loved ones, though, are not always at hand.