Get up and do something: take a walk, ride a bike, do yoga, join a karate class, box, join a gym, join a pool, jump rope, lift weights, ride a skateboard, play with some kids, play baseball, volleyball, tennis, basketball, football, hockey, go skating. Just get up, get out, and get moving!
Exercise is just a temporary distraction for the suicidal person.
I’d rather take a dump.
And sometimes that’s all they need for that moment.
Or it could become a healthy habit to make them feel better about themselves.
I WISH I could take a dump :/
corked dawg
Try Phospho soda. That will make you take a dump, actually, about 20 dumps.
Hello Dawg (Sarcasm off)
You are right here_to_listen_now. It could help some people feel better about themselves. But for how long?
Maybe just long enough to get help. It’s worth a shot.
does Exercise somehow magically create large quantities of cash?
squat-thrust dawg
It is very kind of you to try to encourage people here. You may inspire someone to reconsider his/her plans to commit suicide.
It is very difficult to try to have a discussion with some suicidal people. If you say something encouraging, they usually respond with anger or agitation. They may also feel like you are trivializing their pain. If you say nothing, then they may think that you don’t care about them, whichi will probably increase their depression.
Well Dawg – if you get good at something and join a competition and win – perhaps!!! Like the squat-thrust name!
And Pantouffe – thanks for that – I understand. People can take it for what it is – someone just trying to give little ideas to help. Maybe all added up they can make a difference.
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
I heard that somewhere once.
Lucy – that’s kinda catchy … i wonder if it’ll stick?
@Here_to_”listen” – look kid – I applaud your efforts to be “helpful” … but please don’t patronize the people here … if you wan’t to help, it requires more focused listening (as your name implies) and less slinging generalized crap on the wall to see if the desperately depressed and destitute like the way it might smell … read the stories, look into the backgrounds and think before you speak … the people here range from 12 to 60+, school, military, hard working unemployed, unemployable, business folk, handicapped, mentally ill and geniuses … there IS no ‘one size fits all” answer.
what works for one will push another off the ledge.
damaged dawg
Dawg – I’m sorry you feel I was trying to be patronizing – I’m not. I have been trying to do research and come up with some ideas that may make someone feel better, if only temporarily. I am aware that it’s not a cure all and that it won’t make a difference to some people, but it may make a small difference to others and sometimes a person just needs a small step to get started. I have been through depression also, many years ago – not to the degree of some on here but I do understand some of it.
3… 2 … 1 … breathe …
Ok, let me rephrase … your heart’s in the right place … that’s a good thing. i’m trying to give you some advice as to how to be more effective with your message. while it may seem that putting up a generalized statement is a great way to ‘tell it to the masses” – it will be ineffective and undermine your, as yet to be established, credibility – but it’s up to you.
anyone taking bets on how long the “helper” helps?
jumpin’ jack dawg
How would one establish credibility on this site?
how does one establish credibility anywhere? honesty, integrity, caring and compassion … and think before you speak. or to be specific, one person at a time.
one dawg
the intensity of depression plays a role here
in more severe cases, you can be so overwhelmed and drained that all you can do is wander after you’ve struggled your ass off to just get out of bed
you wake up and think: why do I have to still be here ?? why ?!? fuck this shit !
*another day of torment begins*
during the winter, I didn’t even have the energy to do 10 push-ups
Wow a new cure for suiside I applaud you!!!!lmfao
Thanks here to listen! I’m glad to see a nice encouraging post. I am aware that exercise is good in many aspects including general heath, preventing obesity which causes diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and is good for your overall mental health and increasing serotonin to the brain. I know this, I’m sure 95% of people on this site know this and have heard this umpteen times in there life. So thank you for the enthusiasm but there are people like me. I barely have enough energy and motivation to get out of bed, do small chores here and there, watch tv, talk on the phone, get on the laptop, and go out side for the occasional cigarette. That is exactly what my life consists of. Thats my daily routine. I rarely ever go anywhere but to the store once a week. I lack the motivation to empty the freakin ash tray. I don’t get dressed up anymore, I don’t do my hair, I don’t put on makeup, and I barely shower. I used to do all those things and go out often. My depression has defiantly changed my life. I mean I have been suffering with depression for 12 years, and I’m only counting from my first attempt so I don’t even know how young I was when it actually began. I used to do those things while suffering from bouts of depression I was still able to function for the most part. but over the years my condition has really deteriorated and I am just getting worse and worse as time passes. I also live in arizona where the summers are 110-120 degrees daily. Its completely miserable outside, I have no friends here and don’t know where I could exercise if I wanted to. So thank you for the comment but I think I have to agree with Dawg on this one… Just sayin.
Dawg- Back off here_to_listen. Seriously. First of all she is not a kid. Second she is trying to help. She has been helping me for a long time and that shows someone who is willing to help. So stop thinking you know it all.
Never … anywhere on this site, or the entire interwebs, have I EVER asserted that “i think I know all” … in fact, I would be the first to say I do not. If here_to_listen has helped you then that’s great, and to be commended. And the fact that here_to_listen has focused and tailored her efforts specific to your situation would lend credibility to the advice I offered her.
but not everyone is physically capable of just “getting off the couch and knocking out a few sets of push-ups”. it’s no more appropriate to assume everyone here is suffering from idle malaise and just need to do 50 jumping jacks to change their frame of mind as it is to ask a blind person to “go watch a sunset”.
If my advice is bogus, then people are free to disregard it – but I’d like to think that even the smartest helpers are still open to learning more effective ways to help and certainly open to criticism as to what might do more harm than good … in fact, i’d like to think that “doing no harm” should at least be the minimum goal.
there are no right or wrong answers.
to each his own dawg