I’ve done it this time. Too deep. Way too deep. I actually didnt mean for it to be so deep. Wtf is wrong with me? Ugh should I try sewing it? I cannot go to the hospital. The funny thing is, I can’t feel a thing. Lol
I’ve done it this time. Too deep. Way too deep. I actually didnt mean for it to be so deep. Wtf is wrong with me? Ugh should I try sewing it? I cannot go to the hospital. The funny thing is, I can’t feel a thing. Lol
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Marissa you DO need to go to a hospital or somewhere where they can stop the bleeding, or call an ambulance.
No I dont. I dont want to end up locked in somewhere. The bleeding is decreasing anyways.
I read some of your other posts, and one you were talking about maybe seeing a therapist. I think that may be a good idea, though it could be hard to you to talk about it with your dad. Many of my friends and some of my close family have gone through therapy and it has left them with ways of coping with their depression, anxiety, stress, etc.
Yeah my dad has tried talking to me about it but I told him its too hard. He understands. Idk if I can talk to a stranger though :/
I know it can be very hard opening up to someone else, but also, remember that therapists have heard it all, AND they are someone who (hopefully) is not connected to you in any way. It’s almost like how you post things here anonymously and people respond to you with opinions, sympathy and understanding.
Whereas with a therapist, it IS face-to-face, but they are not going to judge you, because you are their patient and there is that respect there.
The first step is always the hardest.
ok but what if he/she sees my scars or even maybe a cut! That would be horrible 🙁 i’m just scared to be put in some hospital when someone finds out about what i do.
I know it’s scary. I’m not sure if they would put you in hospital as mental health care is different everywhere. But, I would think that unless they thought you were in an immediate danger to yourself, they would not do that (perhaps some research, even with your father, about this subject).
You could call up a depression helpline and ask about it (another anonymous route which won’t land you in a hospital somewhere), as they might know more about it.
Also, you are quite young, they may have to involve your dad if they wanted to hospitalise you.
And I just want to ask, how is your cut going? Is it still bleeding?
Yeah..i will talk to my dad when he isnt so busy. And that cut is doing ok. There is only a little blood right now. thanks for caring 🙂
That’s ok Marissa. I’m glad I could be of some help. Good luck 🙂