The “mean girls” (such a cliche, I know) were spreading rumors about me today..all just because they don’t like me. The sad part is, I used to consider them some of my best friends. They told EVERYONE I suck dick. People kept asking if I did all day. It was horrible. People called me a whore & a slut in the hallyways. They said things like “Classy, not trashy..right Shannon?” I’ve never done anything to them. I hate them. I hate them all. People like them are the reason I drink & smoke & cut myself! They might as well just tell me to kill myself’s bound to happen sooner or later either way
You need to stop caring what people think about you, as those people do not matter. Try to replace your anger with pity. I had to deal with people like that when I was a teenager. Consider going to another school, being home schooled, or skipping high school.
Many teenagers do not know that they can skip high school. I skipped four years of high school and I still went to collage. In California, where I live, there is a test called the California High School Proficiency exam. If you pass this test, you can go to college. I took and passed this test when I was 14, I went to a junior college, and then I transferred to UCLA, which is where I received my degree. College is different from junior high and I suspect, from high school. In college, you are less likely to meet the kind of people, who are tormenting you now.
I know it’s difficult, but try not to care what others think about you. The people who tease you DO NOT MATTER.
Feel sorry for them, as they are the ones with no class and they probably have very low self esteem.
well i bet at the 25 class reunion if you bring it up theyre going to feel really stupid