I just wanted to let you guys know that my ex-husband killed himself and the investigators found this website on his hard drive. He did it the exact same way he said he would on here too. He lit himself on fire on our front lawn and then shot himself after about 5 minutes. How am I supposed to pay for myself and the kids now? He withdrew all the money and spent it on god knows what and his life insurance policy was cancelled. Now the 5k a month I was getting in child support and alimony is gone. And nobody here tried to stop him. Just encouragement. His username was Quad Dingle or something stupid. Fuck him. He never had time for me and was always working. How am I supposed to support his kids now? He bailed out on his obligation to pay for me and them because of you people. Thanks a lot. And now everyone is traumatized because they saw him burning on our front lawn. He didn’t even make a sound. Just a wicked smile as his flesh burned. Maybe this website will go the way of the good for nothing ex-husband soon.
We are not supposed to write anything hateful here, so I will restrain myself.
Not with one word are you mourning the loss of a human life in your post, just the loss of a regular child support payment. Even after his death you have not one compassionate word for him. Any idea what might have driven him to this desperate act???
For the record, this website generally tries to prevent suicide, by providing support and understanding, and has saved countless lives, including mine, but admittedly, some life stories are so mangled that we collectively can only wish a peaceful death when nothing else is left.
As for how to support your (not his alone!) children: if you didn’t manage to set some savings aside from $5000 a month, you seriously lack foresight. Other than that: join the real world, my world, I never received more than $30 a month, and he wasn’t some looser I picked up of the street but my husband of 11 years. You just may have to work, which may lead you to appreciate a bit more what your husband used to do for you.
I can understand why pain and shock may cause you to lash out and seek a scapegoat, but your post is highly inappropriate.
As far as I am concerned, he deserved to die. It’s not my fault he couldnt pay what the courts justly forced him too. We put him in jail to make him think about maybe trying to find a job and then his mother paid the bill for him because he “couldnt do it anymore”. Now he’s just a dead beat dead scum and it is none but the fault of those who encouraged him to do it. It’s been 4 days and the front lawn still smells like burnt flesh.
Hmmm I think I see the reason for the horrific act he inflicted on himself…
And he had no “obligation” to pay for you! Only YOUR children, and you sit here and scream at us! All you care about was the fact your neighbors saw and you feel humiliated. That man worked to support his family, maybe you should do the same! You sound like some pampered house wife throwing a hissy fit. Maybe he got sick and tired of your bullshit and greediness that he decided that burning himself alive was better than the hell inflicted on him by you. However I feel sorry for your children, or his children as you put it. I hope your not as cruel to them as you sound on this post.
You disgust me. I pride mysElf in being compassionate and understanding for people from all walks of life, but please, get off this site before you make me vomit.
ok so.. if he went and killed himself there was obviously something wrong. for you to only see him as a paycheck is just disgusting. sure, you might’ve hated him but this isnt like throwing away his favorite team’s jersey. he ended his life. life is all we as a human race know and for you to decide you want to put your self in pain (with the lighting himself on fire thing) instead of finding an easier alternative has to say something. nobody deserves to die. if anything, maybe be forced to have an epiffany but thats all it really takes, an epiffany to turn your life around. since he wasnt meeting your needs, he now deserved to end life as he knows it? what about if i turn out to be your next fling and my dick isnt big enough, do i deserve to die as well? oh please
Let us pray that in death he finds the peace denied to him in life.
@theGardian, you said it all! R.I.P.
You really think it was this site that caused him to commit suicide? We’re humans going through the same sort of fight he went through. How could you not notice how he felt? How could you only be thinking of yourself and the money you no longer have? What about your children don’t care that they just lost a father or do you only care that they just lost a paycheck? I’m trying to understand that maybe you’re just hurting and are trying to move on but saying things like this and blaming other people isn’t helping anything. It’s just making people mad. But maybe that’s what you want because you need to have someone angry at you because you feel guilty. I don’t know what it really is. Maybe you really are just that selfish, maybe not, but don’t be saying things like this when you KNOW we had nothing to do with his suicide.
You know what? the more I read this, the more certain i am that you really are just a hateful *****.
wow .. are you fucking serious ??
weren’t you the one to cheat ? what about the accusation of him sleeping with your sister (to screw him over) ?
quit trying to put blame on us because you cannot stand the thought of playing a huge role in his decision .. noone is going to comfort you in the illusion it’s all our fault and you’re a victim .. and imo, you are *anything but* a victim
shut the fuck up already .. you have two children to take care of, time to start thinking and behaving like an adult
just another sick barbie doll with a goddess complex
if your children are such a burden, why don’t you just drop them off at Child Services and walk away?
What a complete and utter waste sperm YOU turned out to be – can you please enlighten us on how it feels to know people would rather light themselves on fire than have anything to do you?
Seriously – please give your children away to someone – ANYONE – before you drive them to a similar fate … I wonder if they are already here?
to all others: THIS is why you should NEVER kill yourself over a person who rejects your love – all they care about is themselves
fire dawg
He did it because he “was forced to a life of servitude to me” or so said the note that he gave his mother. He didnt love me. I didnt love him. It is not my fault he couldnt do what the court ordered him to do. He shouldve just been locked away for life for his failure.
And I am still alive arent I? Turns out he was the waste of sperm. It’s okay. I’m dropping the kids off with his mother and taking a long vacation. I can’t support a family.
you can take any vacation you want .. but one day or the other, you’ll have to face your demons
Of course your dropping the kids off … I’m sure a nice long expensive “vacation” is just what YOU need … is that what the call prowling for a sugar daddy these day? a “vacation”? of course, considering you were divorced, if you were worth anything, you’d already have a new victim with deep pockets on the hook.
The reason you’re “still alive” is because he was honorable enough not to take out his anger and frustration on you first.
What a piece of shit – crying “poverty” before dumping the kids to go waste a boatload of cash that could be used to care for them … but of course, it’s all about YOU … and it always has been ONLY about YOU … and if you wanted to make sure he was still around, why didn’t YOU stop him? how did it become “our” job?
@truth – she IS the demon, the only way she could “face” it is to look in the mirror … if it doesn’t break.
don’t try to tell me all the anger, guilt, sadness etc don’t feed a state of self-hate
@dawg take it easy man lol
It doesn’t matter what I say – this **** only hears dollar signs
I think her Ex is my new Hero – the boy’s got stones
“He didn’t even make a sound. Just a wicked smile as his flesh burned.” – if that’s not a major league “Fuck you” I don’t know what is
Everyone deserves to die at some point. It’s relief and release to a better life. He is more alive where he is now released of a lot of the drama that was created. Had you worked as a team, your situation would have played out much differently and he would be with you and made other choices.
We all respond to our circumstances the best way we know how. Thank God for a loving Universe that relieved you ex of a pain he could no longer deal with. This site has prevented and supported many in times of crisis. The only person you truly hate is yourself. Hate is like drinking poison and expecting other people to die…apparently you are the only one feeling the hate and we all feel quite fine, doing our best. I pray your ex is in good hands and at peace. You can look at things negatively or positively….your choice! No one else. Good luck!
Amen SoftSoul 🙂
“The only person you truly hate is yourself”
maybe QD’s death is a sign she needs to work towards self-love .. self-hate can only get us in shitty situations and make us hate ourselves even more
never fear – people like her will never learn those lessons – she’ll be too busy selling her whoring skilz to the highest bidder so she can afford the life of opulent luxury … too bad she doesn’t know she’ll only be viewed as a cumdumpster-for-hire
C’est la vie
Apologies to my SP friends for my uncharacteristic rudeness and crass language
Rip quad dingle I didn’t see your posts but at least your suffering is over why you did what you did shows how bad you felt inside may you have the peace you desired
I talked to him, he said his life was fucked and he was with a major *****. It wasn’t a simple relationship problem, he was fucked. I’m not going to bullshit him telling him “oh life in wonderful, and you will be perfectly fine” He was completely fucked. @Hate you people Shut the fuck up, you don’t care about him anyways. Calling him dead beat scum, What a great fuck you, “He didn’t even make a sound. Just a wicked smile as his flesh burned” Fucking balls man! RIP
“Not with one word are you mourning the loss of a human life in your post, just the loss of a regular child support payment.”
I was going to say the exact same thing. Lazy ***** will have to get a real job now.
RIP Quad. Hopefully your suffering is at an end.
Why not put his posts in this thread?
This was the only thing recent that I’ve found.
I find this thread so sad.
Sad because Quad-dingle’s ex is such a heartless vapid venomous leech.
Sad because Quad-Dingle was driven to do what he did.
And sad that there is nothing left to do but spit venom at a screename who clearly isn’t worth the effort.
I remember reading one of Quad-dingle’s posts. I didn’t comment because I had absolutely nothing useful to say. God I hope he’s found some peace.
This isn’t the way things are supposed to work. Come on legal system, come on society. We can do better.
I had to go back and re-read Quad-Dingle’s thread to recall what he endured – I live his burden at but only one tenth his burden … what I bear is immense and crushing and is compounded by a system designed to maximize the burden and suffering of honorable men who ask for nothing but fairness and a chance for the love of our children.
The legal system will never change while it considers women weak and incapable of immorality – and stories like these will continue to repeat while whore’s like QD’s ex are enabled to not only get away with such evil but can infect another generation with selfish, callous and ruthless values.
“He didn’t even make a sound. Just a wicked smile as his flesh burned.†~ RIP Quad-Dingle
Dingle dawg
“Because of you people”
Wow, people on here try to help each other, if there was any negative influence in his life, it wasn’t from here, it must have come closer from home.
Wow… RIP Quad.
I never comment, rarely ever, but this.. got to me. And I find myself unable to refrain and look, I really need this place, but this is worth it to me.
You come here and want to play the “victim”.. is that it? We are supposed to feel sorry for you and WE are supposed to feel guilty about what happened. Obviously you haven’t read anything posted on this site. Here’s the cold, hard facts. We here are suicidal. There is really no place for murderers here and that is how I feel. YOU are a murderer.. no he didn’t die by your hand, but you knew.. knew you were pushing him over the edge and you played a part in his death by being such a decietful disgusting piece of trash. You should not be around those children at all… so good for you for taking someone’s son aned then dropping off their grandkids with them… What it means is you truly were using those kids just to get to him. As soon as he is gone, they are no longer attractive to you. I know tons of women like you, sadly (and I am a woman btw you make me ashamed). I’m sure you’re used to it, go open your legs to get more money.. sounds like you have had plenty of practice at it.
I read QD’s posts too.. he was definately fucking desperate.. and the fact that he did it in the front yard so you would be embarassed.. he did know you didn’t he? So, you came here for us to feel sorry for you.. I don’t care who fucking knows that I will forever consider YOU a MURDERER. I hope he fucking haunts your thoughts for the rest of your fucking pathetic life. There’s your fucking sympathy.
These are my friends here. Like I said I don’t say much, EVER… but they have been there for me, and it is time I stood up for one of ours…and I’m going to tell you right now, in the nicest way I know how…
Get the fuck off this site murderer. There is no place for you here.
QD… Good for you for taking control.. I am sorry that it was obviously the only way for you… we are friends QD, and we are still here for you… even if you may not know it..RIP…
One more thing… you think it’s bad now… The karma bus hasn’t even begun to catch up with you yet… because no matter how you try to hide it, or what lies you tell to those kids… one day they too will grow up and they will be able to find out the truth. When they find out the truth, that is when you get your true karma, my guess is, they are going to feel the same way about you as I do.
You’re sick. You must be the reason he commited suiceide in the first plave. It wasn’t “us people”. It was you’re sorry excuse of a WIFE that oly cares about MONEY. Did you even love him? or was all he to you a paycheck? Take a look in the mirror lady. You killed him more than anyone on here killed him.
Wow. I would never encourage someone to suicide. I am so sorry that this person really did take their life. I found this site as way to get my feelings out and to deal with them, and maybe help others deal with theirs. I am so deeply sadden that this woman. his wife, is number 1 not mourning his loss or that of her children. Come on, yes everyone needs support lady but that was the father of your children. How can you be so heartless? Maybe he wasnt perfect but you married him. Some part of you must at one time loved him.
Um, 5000 is an HUGE amount. 2nd Im a single mom, student, and employee. Its called do it yourself. My husband left me. BUt what I didnt do was just DROP my kids off with someone else. Those children needed a father just like they need a mother. Its your turn to step up to plate and if you dont, I only pay to God that someone does for them. So much in the world is about money when it should be aboyut love and compassion.
u seem to cover ur weakness by saying all those shits.
i know ur not a stone and u have feelings that u just don’t wanna others to know.
i feel for ur loss..
i believe deep down inside u, u don’t mean what u posted.
we can just read what u wrote but we don’t really see exactly what’s in ur heart right now.
everbody has their ***** sides, i have mine , u have urs.
i pray for u, ur late husband and ur children.
oohhh btw, late ex husband.