My GP has just prescribed Zopiclone for insomnia also Beta Blockers for panic attacks.Along with Mirtazapine, citalapram Carbamazapine and Tramadol, which I have been taking for years. Should I just stop taking the whole fucking lot….I feel like a wretched Zombie most of the time. My short term memory is shot to hell. I am so tired all the time I could weep. My appetite is zero. Life is pretty much fucking unbearable. Does anyone else cope without all this medication? Is it better? I am very confused.
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Only you can make that decision. I don’t believe in medication but I can’t encourage you either way. If you did want to quit taking them, you have the absolute right to do so, and you shouldn’t just do it by yourself. There can be bad effects from stopping some medications. If you wanted to stop taking them, you should tell your doctor that you don’t feel good with them anymore and you want to try handling it on your own, and they will give you a schedule on how to slowly come off the medications to be safe. The doctor works for you, not the other way around, so don’t let them convince you to stay on the medication. They don’t get to tell you whether you take them or not. If you want to stop it is absolutely their responsibility to let you know how to do it safely.
If you do get off the medications, you can’t just go on with life and not do anything to help your problems. You’d have to accept some other responsibilities in place of taking the pills. Make sure you eat a healthy diet. All the strange chemicals in additives in all the fake foods we eat these days contribute to depression, insomnia, etc. It doesn’t affect some people, but if you are prone to mental issues, you have to get all these stimulants and other weird chemicals out. You have to exercise a little bit, take care of yourself, make sure you do your best to get the proper amount of sleep.
So no it’s not as simple as just deciding you want to stop your meds and quitting tomorrow. You need to find out how to safely get off of them and you have to come up with some other ways of treating yourself.