i used to hang on his every word …. he was there for me when i need someone to talk to..when i just needed to have fun and forget get out and leave reality behind even if it wasnt forever … he called me his girl and i thought he was the onky who did want to hurt me….but he did and when i asked why he said “it wasnt the riight words but i didnt care to fix it” that shattered me and that night i fell apart i locked my bedroom door and cried myself to sleep trasing the fresh cuts..
…that brought a tear to my eye. Is there anything you want to accomplish by posting this? Like talking to someone? Um or just letting out your feelings without being judged?
im not sure ive felt so lost for a while now i dont know what i feel anymore i just feel numb evrytime i think i can trust someone they show me how naive i was to belive it and leave me to pick up the peaces again….i guess id like to meat someone who wont hurt me like the rest and just at least try an understand ….
Well that sort of puts a lot of pressure on me considering id like to be your friend :/ i like username btw well whenever someone has angel in their username i like it heh. I dont know if youd be willing to trust me and talk to me :/
thanks and ya you sound kul i dont have anything to lose …
Well um ive been waiting for you to be on…earlier today there was a big bloobath fight and i decided im quitting this site. It’s no longer my sanctuary..but you can email me if you would like just send it to nattyyyyyyy23 at gmail dot com
sure …
If you dont want to then just say so…
No it sounds gud nd how many y’s is that O.0….