Do you know what its like to look in the mirror and hate what you see? Do you know what its like to live your whole life the laughing stock of society? Do you know what its like to go through life hating yourself, but knowing that you can’t do anything to change yourself? Have you ever been about to take your own life, all because of the way you look? Do you have that red scar on your left arm because you know that you’ll end up cold and alone? Do you know what its like to plan your own death, just because you’re not perfect enough for everyone else? Do you know what its like for your biggest enemy to be yourself? Were you born this way? Have you ever been told that you were the ugliest girl in the world? Do you know what its like to be made fun of every single day because of the way you look? Do you know what its like to loose your faith because you’ve been depressed since third grade? Has your spirit ever been permanently broken? Have you ever been humiliated every single time you walk out of the house? Do you know what its like to hate yourself so much, that everyone else does too? Do you know what its like for your birth defect to shape who you are? Do you know what its like to feel hopeless, useless, alone, and ugly in this world full of beautiful people? Do you know what its like to want to slash your wrists until you bleed to death, just so you won’t have to go another day looks like this? Because I do.
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I’m going to have to say yes to about half of those questions. No, I don’t know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, but the similarities are there. Being bullied and made fun of for most of my life because I looked different. Ugly. But I’m sorry, I wish I could tell you why people are so cruel. I have no clue, just guesses. I hope you rise above it and realize that you are beautiful on the inside. No matter what the jack-asses say.