I haven’t been up here for a couple of months, well actually just one month. I Graduated last month. Im so much happier now that im done with school, I hated myself, for so many reason. Because i thought i was ugly, I talked down on myself everyday, I was sooo depressed. But ever since i graduated, i’ve been so much happier. Have I ever had my first kiss? No. My First boyfriend? No. I think that was the main problems for my depression. I hated going to school. But now, im happier than ever. I feel so much confidence in myself, I start college next month, and you know what, I feel like im going to get a boyfriend soon. No i dont know who. or when. or even how. but im just so happy and feel so confidence that one day ill find a guy who loves me for me and can accept my flaws. I just love myself more than ever. Im doing everything right. Im taking care of myself more, im watching what i eat, exercise, and everything else. I just love myself now. And when i start looking better, and more attractive, i love myself even more. Â =]
It’s people like you who give so many people hope and inspiration that their lives can and will get better. I admire your strength, keep going 🙂
I agree with @Skyrider Keep it up 😛
Ah, Thank you so much guys, you just made me feel so better about myself. 🙂