Sometime after our unforetold split up, one of my friends well.. friends( to many friends XC) Had stayed the night with my friend. I was sorta friends with her, and as the friendly, (stupidly) nice gal I am asked her how she was on (none other than) Facebook. She said she was doing fine and that she and my (ex.)friend were having a sleepover. I asked her to tell my friend I said hi. But she told me (kinda like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey) I can’t do that hun’.
I could have just left it at that, but I foolishly continued asking her why. She told me “She doesn’t really want to talk to you..she’s upset that you yelled at her and that you hug her all the time.” For the record when my friend told me that she couldn’t hug me anymore, for a while I ignored it and continued to hug her. After a while my friend told me that her mom was serious and could not do it anymore. So I stopped. But never in my conscious memory did I recall ever yelling at her (aside from when I got angry at her for her mom’s clingyness.)
I felt hurt. And I told all (*arrow pointing up*) that to her friend. I knew at that point that my friend probably told this girl a “woe is me” victim story about her obsessive, crazy friend who was constantly calling her or stalking her at school or something…I never got the memo.
But, however I did appreciate what her friend told me ” It’s okay hun.. she just needs sometime to herself, and will eventually talk to you if given the right amount of time.” I told her thank you for her honesty and that my friend would never have told me this in person. She said “your welcome”. And that was that.