My name is Alex. Everyone thought I was the happiest person they knew. I made myself believe it at times. I have been depressed since I was about six. And now seven years later…I Still am. My father left me, my sister, and my mother just so he could run off to live in Oklahoma with his hooker girlfriend. I believed everything was my fault. That nothing would ever get better. That nothing mattered. I was six. I was so depressed.Everyone thought that because I was so young that I wouldn’t be able to understand what was happening. But I did. They didn’t think that I could be so depressed at such a young age. But  I was. I still am. nothing helped. Counciling. Therapy. Nothing. I started cutting a few years ago. I helped. It was a distraction. For one moment all I felt was the razor. I don’t think about how alone I really am. Or how my family hates me. Or how people talk behind my back. All I think about is the blood. And the addicting part? Well, that’s when the cut isn’t fresh enough and i Can feel the lonliness and saddness build up inside of me. So I do it again. Only A little bit deeper so the numbness will last longer. So the pain inside will be delayed. When the pain on the inside gets worse, I make the outside worse. I can’t control the pain on the inside but I can on the outside. I’m sick and tired of life. And I want to end it all, but i know I can’t because of my friend. I’m still trying  to keep her alive. Once I know shes stable and won’t do anything stupid like I’m going to, I’m going  to  be the dumbass I am and kill myself.
My Story.
written by im_not_good_with_usernames
if you keep focusing on what you left behind you won’t be able to see what lies ahead
so just forget the past as it’s gone
i know it’s the hardest thing to do but you can do it trust me
it’s your life and you have to fight for it
and please don’t try cutting it’s isn’t good
you never know how strong you’re until being strong is the only choice you have
That’s crazy that people around you would think you couldn’t feel “real” depression just because you were young. Of course you can. Something like that happens, ANYone would be depressed.
Do you still believe that it’s all your fault?
I don’t really agree with zaccy that you should forget the past. It sounds to me like there’s still some open wounds from what happened when you were younger, and before you can feel better you’ll have to face that and let it heal…did you ever try talking about that stuff with any of your therapists?
I don’t mean to be nosy by asking a bunch of questions or making a bunch of assumptions as I don’t really know you, but I hope you hold on to your life, and that things get better.
yes, i do believe that it is still all my fault. everyone has made THAT clear enough. my mother reminds me each and every day how much trouble i have caused her.
im not sure how to overcome my past. ive tried. it didnt work.
i dont see a therapist anymore. they were never able to help me with anything and they always made me upset so i just stopped going
look, alex the second that you get worse, the second that you kill yourself or cut too deep again,
We’ll all go off. So if you dare do that, you’ll set off a chain reaction
From Cory alone you’ll kill Will and Nancy
Michael, think of all his suicidal friends.
You can’t do that, at least twenty people will get so much worse.
michael doesnt even know me. kenni wont because she has something to live for. cory doesnt even like me. lily has nothing wrong with her. and you have michael. you wont kill youself because of me. you have something. someone to live for. i dont.
And that’s where you’re wrong.
I’m sorry but you do have to be strong. Because we all do care about you. And you’ll set someone off. What about your little sister? She acts like she doesn’t like you, but if you caused that much trauma to her you’d create one more suicidal girl.
i am trying but nothing is working
Just keep a goal. One day at a time. Stay away from knives. Wait for school or something
carolyn, promise me that YOU will stay away from knives.
i cook for my entire family every day.
I can’t do that
playdough knives work fine ive heard…
-_- it’s six people, and none of them are under the age of six. I don’t own a playdough knife.
i do
fuck you. don’t do it. I’m not going to be supportive if you aren’t going to accept it
okay, okay. fine
so just stay with us okay? You can come over and we’ll cry together sometime soon.
i will try. but i am not going to make any promises i know i wont be able to keep.
Okay, fine