Maybe I have been afraid to admit how much I have been struggling. Sucidal thoughts have now become obsessive to the point where I have purchased and downloaded books on killing yourself. I now have a method in place and am just waiting to see if it is something I will actually go through with.
crowded area – isnt it?
eh.. yeah I’m there. had multiple methods layin around the house. I like looking up suicide poems. I like watching stuff about it, reading about it. I don’t have anything whre I am now but when I get back to VA, I won’t be there for long
i listen to Dont Fear the Reaper all the time.
Suicide isn’t something that u should want to do. I wrote a suicide note last week I was going to kill myself last Thursday by walking I front of a train but I didn’t not cause I was chicken. Because I realized that I had my whole life ahead of me and I was afraid to lose my future. U shouldn’t want to die till u die of natural causes. Each day is a new day u get by day to day and u go to sleep and wake up and it’s a new start look at it that way. U have a lot to live for! =)
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
get up. go to work. come home. go to bed.
Who fuckin cares. it is all for NOTHING.
Yeah, I agree with kindalostkid. You shouldn’t want to end your life, sure your life may look like there’s nothing else to it, but you don’t know what tomorrow holds. Do something fun with your life. You could meet people from all around the world via internet (be grateful we’re in the 21st century, lol), get YouTube videos doing something completely random, entertaining and fun. Who knows, you may even be an international celebrity. 🙂
lifeblows, that is how I truley feel. I can try to get up get out of the house and enjoy myself but I don’t I just sit in the corner away from other people hoping to not be noticed. At this point I don’t see humor or cheer, and I have been looking for it. I called my psychiatrist, thinking it’s just the med combination she just upped. She says it’s not and She of course wants me to admit myself to the hospital again, I spent most of April there already. Too many other factors to worry about, things I wouldn’t have to worry about if I was gone.
“Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy — the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation”-ERIC HOFFER
Your life is valuable, walk into the sun and relax, and ask yourself what would make you happy and work on that rather than ending it all.
Mimi, I think about that a lot what would make me happy. Truthfully I come up with nothing, except to not have to battle this depression all my life. But nothing is helping.
I Read your Blog. Maybe you should show your psychiatrist your journal.? If your struggling with suicidal thoughts.?
I printed it out to show her at my last appt but was scared to give it to her.
please dont do it
“U shouldn’t want to die till u die of natural causes.”
kindalostkid .. no offense, but this is bullshit and you know it
It hurts to hear you can come up with nothing that makes you happy, but still don’t end it all, there is a cure to your depression it will come.