All I am is nothing, all I have is nothing. I am 35 now I was first dyagnosed with severe depression and potentually suicidal at age10. Freeing myself from this pathetic exictence is all I think of all day everyday.
Suicide is all I have ever seen myself accomplishing in life in my 20’s I used to tell myself that I would wait and maybe life or myself would prove me wrong, but all that has happened is my belief that I have but 1 option is proven more and more a truth then anything else.
1 comment
Oy….you picking up where someone else left off as far as putting the hurt on you. What’s with your id name, I used to feel the same. But I realized that I was bull shitting myself and I learned not to listen to the negative feedback I was giving myself…
That negativity is just a voice attached to pain. So you gave your pain a voice, and the voice says depression and you believe it….hey, I did. It’s like your identity is wrapped up in this health situation. That’s not who or what you are. Someone diagnosed you and you believed them. If I said you were a TV would you believe that? So you have choice as to what to accept about yourself or not. You can choose to feel good. If you don’t know where to start, just say ‘I want to know how to feel good within myself’…but you have to make that choice…you can invest all your energy in the direction you’re going or you can invest the same energy in a way that will bring to a better feeling place within yourself. But you have to want it by choosing it. It’s up to you and why not you? Is it written somewhere that you are not entitled to thrive and experience contentment.
Negative feedback produces a loop in your mind. Stop listening to that voice and go the other way. So you decide to North instead of South…it is that simple. Good luck!