a gift from God, does that mean depression also is ? how do you return the gift without causing pain to other God’s children ?
a gift from God, does that mean depression also is ? how do you return the gift without causing pain to other God’s children ?
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wasnt depression something that satan planted in your brain?
I do not claim to have all the answers. But…..
maybe depression is simply a challenge from God. Something that he is using….. Maybe your depression is being used for someone ELSES benefit.
We are not supposed to understand everything. THIS is not heaven. It is supposed to kinda suck.
Just my opinion.
I would not really like the idea that I am depressed my entire life for someone elses benefit. That just sounds ridiculous to me.
Good thing I do not believe in God.
I forgot about him .. why does God allow Satan to torture us, make us suffer when we all know he’s all mighty ?
It’s God’s entertainment. The man needs something to do right. This is his real-life soap, maybe.
I saw there are many people on this site who don’t believe in God;Anyway,I do believe no matter what.
Maybe it is a challenge from God.He challenges humans too much but He knows what He does.That’s what I always repeat to myself.
Or…maybe depression is something from satan as christina said.I have no idea!
yup, we must be God little puppets/bitches
I’ve wondered at times if Satan wasn’t misunderstood .. he might have been the first angel to rebel against God’s entertainment plan, for all we know
you atheist kinda crack me up.
so willing to believe that everything just “happened”. That evolution is so easy to accept (even though the concept of male and female evolving at the same RATE is crazy when you consider the complexities of the female reproductive system).
But the concept of “god” (to you) is unbelievable. Which takes more faith?? To believe everything just “happened” or to know that God DOES exist?
Yes…Maybe Satan was the first on to have depression and sucidal thoughts!
@i dont matter I’m curious: are you ok with the idea of suffering for another’s benefit ?
So if it defies belief to suggest that the universe came into existence of it’s own accord, how can it be any more believable that this mysterious creator appeared from nowhere just tocreate the universe and the disappear again without a trace.
Hahah. I always have to laugh when someone who believes in god acts like atheists are the ignorant ones.
I think I would get along with Satan more than God. God makes me suffer for someone else’s benefit I don’t even want to go to heaven. Just let me go to hell and do all the things I enjoy doing but of which god thinks they’re wrong.
@i don’t matter another problem of mine is I can’t live without answers, I need the answers to move forward .. my mind is a lot more concerned with the WHYs than happiness or finding my purpose (if there’s even one)
@truthbetold I have the same problem
I think people with our condition are fucked for life
@christina hell could be the real heaven
I know I’d rather go to BBQs & lay in a jaccuzzi than sit on a cloud & play the flute
Hahah yes. That sounds much better. Sitting on a cloud wouldn’t even be possible with my anxiety of heights.
@truthbetold Sadly we are 🙁
which is why I’m going to buy a rope this week .. I can’t commit to a life of growing frustration for the sake of my relatives peace of mind
@i_dont_matter so evolution couldn’t have happened and is stupid but a man creating the world in 7 days is not? And not just that but he also created a woman out of a pigs rib to help the man procreate with, but then who procreated to create the amount of people we have now? And not just that but what happened to the chatty snakes? I want a chatty snake!
Many people commit suicide because they think life is not worth living. Paradoxically others get killed for ideas and beliefs that give them a reason for living.
A reason for living is also a good reason for dying. Ironic really.
@truthbetold, what happened to visiting the Brazilian beaches?
@christina I’m almost broke (40 euro or sthg) and the desire to go there isn’t that strong
Idk what sthg means.. hmm. The desire seemed pretty strong before.
Hmm, so how come you decided on hanging? I thought you wanted to jump?
sthg could mean n-e-thing 😛
I think I was forcing myself to be normal .. be human and everything
then my mind was like: why are you doing this to yourself ? why the self-inflicted lies ?
IDK, my gut is tellling me hanging is my way to leave this world .. last time I was about to do it, I got caught before I could even put the rope around my neck
I have this problem too, but sumtimes we will never understand the reasons why things happen to us. Right now my issue is trying to find a solution to my madness of the lonliness I deal with on an everyday basis… I’m not totally set on why but a solution or an answer to the problem.
@ I don’t matter… I concur 100% with you. I am a ONE God believer in His name being Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful that I do believe b.c. that is the one real thing that gives me peace. I’m not going to push down anyone elses beliefs but I can honestly say I’m so thankful I do believe in God. I also believe God does use Satan to bring thoughts into our minds and I believe depression/oppression is an evil spirit from hell. But God does have the power to deliever you & I from this. I also believe there can be a chemical imbalance in which causes your brain to react in certain ways. As far as being used for sumone elses benefit… I agree to a point… for example I believe when I come out of this I can use it as a testimony for sumone else that maybe going thru the same battle.
I am so confused right now haha.
Anyway, I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to talk you out of something you really want to do.. hmm..
well if you’re entertaining the idea of saving me, it better be for a good reason lol
Hah well I guess not though. it wouldn’t feel right to try to talk you out of it, while I am actually envious that I don’t have the guts to do it yet. So, yeah.
assuming there’s an afterlife: are there things you wouldn’t want to leave behind ?
@truthbetold I don’t think I can’t do it yet.I continue being a coward.
Are you sure you want to do it?
Of course there’s a God.
How else do you explain Harry Potter and Hogwarts?
Damn atheists.
I don’t think I can do it yet*
@itsjustme the testimony thing makes sense .. tbh, I used to feel this way 4 to 6 years ago .. if this were to happen, you better find yourself dealing with people who have a genuine desire to overcome depression
*to happen to you
I’m trying to imagine what people do in the afterlife. If they don’t sleep, eat, work Anne carry out normal daily tasks that’s a lot of spare time to contemplate nothing. If gambling is forbidden you can’t go to the 24 hr casino and without beer how does anyone keep from going crazy in the monotony of it all. It sounds more like an indefinite term of imprisonment.
@truthbetold, not sure. Do you mean like leaving people behind, or like “unfinished busines”? Either way I don’t really know..
How bout you?
@maria truth is I’m only sure of the things I don’t want
being homeless
being a part of society as it is now
fake friends
an accident that would make me dependent of others care
the list is long
@truthbetold Ohh,I think I have a pretty long list too
lol I’m gonna add you on FB
@admiral of the fleet I think boredom can only be experienced if there’s such a thing as time .. some say time is only experienced in this physical world and I really hope this is true
@christina I mean anything non material (memories, ideas etc) .. I think I’d hesitate between keeping some memories with me and forgetting the person I am ever existed
@truthbetold Ok.
I’m not sure if I believe in God. I used to. There’s just so many reasons for me to not believe in him. But I kind of feel bad that I’m unsure because what if there really IS a God? What will happen to me then? As for religious people, it’s all in their head!! Actually, I guess I’m referring to this one religious girl I met. She’s depressed and prays every single day for it to go away, and when it doesn’t and things get worse, she questions why. She thinks God has plans for us or some shit. That gives me another reason not to believe in him. I just think it’s ridiculous to have your whole life revolve around something that isn’t even physically there for proof. It’s all because of bullshit in some book. This is just how I feel, I’ll respect it of course. If your beliefs help you get out of bed everyday then that’s great. Good for you. I see things differently. Sorry if I offended anyone.
I also have some doubts but I continue believing in Him
Some people’s perspective on God is that if you don’t believe in him, have doubts, sin etc. Then you’re going straight to “hell”.
Well,I do have doubts.But I still believe.
All people have sins.I don’t think there is someone who is a big saint or something.
I hate when they say gay people will go to hell.That’s completely false!!
I support the gay comunity <3
I’m glad you do! 🙂 I definitely believe that’s false. But a lot of people seem to think its a choice, which I know in fact it’s not. It’s a choice to be ignorant!
I don’t even care what those ignorant people say.
Being gay is not a choice,you are born this way.
Oh but their argument is that no one can be a baby and be attracted to the same sex. Lol it’s so stupid, it works both ways.
Many stupid people in this world.They should stop being hateful towards people who are different.
Thank goodness there’s non-hateful people like you.
😀 Thank God there’re nice people like you.
Cant anyone accept that it works both ways?
It is either you are born with it OR its a choice… You can be gay from birth, or choose to later on in life….
How can you choose who you’re attracted to or who you fall in love with?
And anyway everyone has a right to choose
But I honestly don’t think is about choice.As I said it is about being born this way!
If the original post is accurate, then that just cements my feelings that believing in God causes more problems than it solves. The fact that so many people out there are willing to hand over control of themselves to someone that may not even exist is just frightening.
@ I dont matter: Before you call someone else’s beliefs ridiculous, you should learn about them. For the record, sexual reproduction evolved in stages. It did not suddenly appear in one species and spread to all the others like a bad cold. I don’t understand why you think the idea of “evolution” is such an evil thing, anyway. If you believe in your god, why limit him to just “poofing” things into existence? Perhaps, if your god is real, the Bible was written to explain things in terms simple enough to be understood by Bronze Age goatherders?That would make sense, especially since there are no mentions of viruses, germs, electrons, quasars, or anything else that wouldn’t be understood by a pre-technological society.