they tell me they are proud but yet they tell me i am the reason they never had anymore kids. they tell me i dont have good enough grades that i need a scholaarship but yet they offer to pay the precious chosen first child they will help pay for his. when he moved out they gave him every family heirloome am i a daughter or a slave. i dont want to be an acessory. i see the fake love in their eyes. they take him everywhere i have been on one vacation i can remember with them th other were with my grandma. my first concert was with my aunt my brother has done hundreds of all these things. am i really part of this family.
Oh I see. Spoiling the oldest child and leaving the other in the dust? It’s not too much of a surprise. Usually how family’s are is like this… usually…
Either really spoiled, neutral, or forgotten.
Two: 2 scenarios
First one is spoiled rotten and the second is left behind
First one is the ‘experiment’ and the second is spoiled rotten.
Well, you were left behind. Meaning that your parents probably favor just having a boy more than a girl. It’s not your fault, it really isn’t. Your parents just have odd tastes. Just ignore them. They’ll regret not giving their daughter more attention. If you earn yourself an amazing life and they try to take credit for it, I bet they would, just say ‘screw you, you did shit. I worked for this myself.’ and if they try any bullshit like ‘oh we raised you, you lived in our house’ just ignore it. Sure you were in their house, but they spoiled your brother rotten.
i have really considered not having them at my wedding or graduations it hard to be the dust.