I emailed my ex after 2 years of not talking to him at all. He answered my email and it made my day. Then I wrote back and it’s been like 12 hours and nothing… I check my email every half hour I’m going crazy waiting to hear back from him. I still love him he was my first love and till this day no one can make me feel as good as he did. I wrote to him when I was feeling real bad, he use to be the person I called when I had my dark thoughts. I want him to say he missed me as much as I’ve missed him. I wonder if he still loves me…
If you loves you, that’s great.
If not, then you will have to move on and let him go. I myself struggle with this and yes, I know it can be really really hard.
Does he love you? Well, all you’ll have to do is ask.
Good luck,
Im scared to ask, because what if the answer is no. Then it’s real and I’ll be so sad. I know it’s silly not ask but it will be too final if I do.
If people have something to say I think they should just say it. Don’t cling on to something imaginary. If you get rejected then at least you will be able to move on with your life. I would rather know.
Don’t worry about anything. I’m sure it will be ok.
Someone once told me that we never stop loving the other person, we just learn to live without them.