So I’ve been sitting here at work talking to one of the nurses which is my inspiration with all this. She’s the one who has referred me to the hospital an hour away. (Her son went there) She got a med book out and started looking up warnings and precautions to medications. To tell a little more about myself… when I was a yr and half old I had a high fever which caused a scar tissue on my brain which in return caused me to have really bad seizures. In 2006 I had brain surgery to remove the scar tissue… which I have not had a seizure since then but my suicidal tendencies have gotten worse altho I don’t take the meds I used to take. I called the hospital in which ill be going to and they said one of the warning signs to the brain surgery is exactly what I’ve been experiencing and right now I’m looking up many of the seizure meds I’ve been on and EVERY ONE of them is saying suicidal tendencies. I WAS embarressed about this but that is going away b.c. I’m now feeling like I’m being treated for nuro issues which I’ve always had. This is making me wanna do it even more! I’m gonna feel like I have a life for the first time! Now I can only kick myself for not doing it sooner! So thankful to God for what He brings our way and He is an on time God!
My what a spirited title. I hope the treatment works out.
Thank you
I’m glad that you have someone to help you find help.
Everyone needs a special freind to help guide them.
God bless