A genuine request anyone especially in the UK that I can talk to? It would be nice to talk to someone who has been there who understands, what is real? Good or bad I am really struggling to understand. Time to finish or struggle on and why? The negs I get at home even the weather is my fault! Nothing but nothing that I do will ever be good enough so why bother?
You bother because some part of you even if it is small wants you to. It’s your will to live. All of us have it. Some have more than others. But it is always there.
I don’t live in the UK sorry 🙁 but I will talk.
You may sometimes feel like everything is your fault but not everything can be all the time. Especially the weather….. I mean really did you make it rain ……. if you did that is pretty damn cool just sayin 🙂
Alot of things are hard to understand though. It takes time other people’s points ov view and even then who knows if we really get it…. you know that ‘why?’ that starts off every question we ask ourselves and eachother. Sometimes none of us have the answers to those questions.
Its a balance live or die? To be honest it is easier not to live than live sometimes the struggle is simply too much.
Tease54, I would offer to be your friend (I’m in London) but I don’t actually know the ‘job spec’ and working conditions etc. So I’ll hold off from a full commitment, but just to say I’m around here a lot if you fancy a ‘chat’.
Whaereabouts in the UK are you?
I have sent an e-mail hope to hear from you xx