Hi all i’m new.
I just want to have a little rant about a psychological term known as projection and if anyone has to unfortunately spend time around anyone who does this.
I have a pretend friend that i have known for around 15 years, he used to be a great lad however, he changed in character very suddenly and started to become more secretive with his thoughts.
Before this happened he would always have his worries about fitting in in some way or another it seemed like he just didn’t know who to be….identity crisis maybe.
Anyways, mentions of always feeling like he was the back of the class in the brain department and that he felt like he had no personality and sounding quite resentful about it all came up in conversation.
Then the transition from nice guy to relentless, life draining shit came into play, he would start to use information that he had got in confidence from people against them in social scenarios.
Belittling them like some kind of high court judge on a power trip, all compassion was gone, no understanding, no patience and yet none of these people (including me) had done anything to deserve it.
This guy is far from perfect, he used to grab women in nite clubs and perv on them, he’d borrow people’s clothes for nights out and not only have no respect for them, keep them aswell, if you ever remember that song teenage dirtbag, it was his nickname and it was for very good reason.
He would do these things and then eventually he started projecting all of his own faults onto other people, he had done all of this shit to himself and because he wasn’t and isn’t man enough to admit it in his conscious mind as a fault or faults of his own doing other people would become targets.
He has pretty much made my life a misery ever since, we both had the same circle of friends and because he knows that he can get to me as i do not tolerate bullshit. he would always be there when i was to start winding me up about totally made up shit that as far as his voice and facial expressions went it honestly looked like he was telling the truth…..massive headfuck!
How can someone get themselves into this mindset? and how can they lie so convincingly to themselves and others?
He has his perfect life now, great job, wife, kid, house and even the fucking dog and i hope to god that he is finally happy with what he has achieved as his insecurities were quite honestly driving me to not want to be here anymore.
It would make me happy to know that he is content and not using people as a part of his defense mechanism to prevent him from being so down on himself and being angry enough about it to lash out on innocent people.
I made a decision to cut him out and so along with it i had to cut my other friends out of the equation for self preservation purposes, i absolutely hated it but it had to be done but now i just have the re-occuring thoughts of things he has done to me in the past, the humiliation, feeling naked as confided information is completely disrespected and aired in social situations.
I’m guessing that this might sound familiar to some people, the bottom line being that there are many people with inferiority complexes that look for an outside target to rid the frustration onto.
I know that it’s a feeling of being trapped that can drive people to suicide or that you’re just not being taken seriously or listened to even though you speak sense and all you want is to be heard and understood.
I became a stronger person after my total loss of faith in humanity by only being in the company of positive people, there’s always at least one arsehole that you have to deal with at any stage of your life but when the positive outweighs the negative faith is restored and you become a better judge of character.
I actually feel sorry sorry for people who don’t have the capacity for emotional expression, become jaded by society and lose a part of their personality by thinking that everything is easier if they just block out their true feelings and fit in as a robot pretty much.
The bottom line is, people can be shit, give them NOTHING! they need a response to get the power trip, they feed on your fear. say nothing, keep a straight face and stare at them, eye contact shows strength of mind. You do not deserve to be treated like an animal and you are worth more than they are and you WILL NOT tolerate this shit anymore.
Rant over
1 comment
i do not understand but the first part… his traits are jsut like my moms…
tell her important heartful things, and when shes mad, shell use it against you… i come past the point where icry even when she scolds me, which is always…
sighs,. tsk… people can be jerks… everyone