Are you sure that absolutely nothing is better? Part of the problem with depression is that even the positive things don’t make us feel good sometimes. I suffer from chemical depression, so even when my circumstances are incredibly good, all I notice is the negative. Have there been some positive events in your life in recent years? Is there anything you can resolve to do starting tomorrow that can change your situation for the better, even if it’s only a little?
Thats a question we all have to ask ourselves and make a choice based upon what answer we give ourselves.
Are you sure that absolutely nothing is better? Part of the problem with depression is that even the positive things don’t make us feel good sometimes. I suffer from chemical depression, so even when my circumstances are incredibly good, all I notice is the negative. Have there been some positive events in your life in recent years? Is there anything you can resolve to do starting tomorrow that can change your situation for the better, even if it’s only a little?
Hey I know that feeling, feel free to message me or talk more.