i was never happy. how could i be? i am colorblind. i can see colors…but they have no meaning. no feelings, no happiness. there are 7 billion people in this world. i am only one. one. just one. small and useless i waste away. my past haunts me, nagging at my every thought. happiness is only short and temporary but i soak it in while it lasts. im sorry. ok im not fuking perfet, get over it. i might not text back right away. i might not always smell ilke rainbows and unicorns. my hair might not be amazingly lush and flowing, i might have acne. but ok. who cares? everyone. everyone cares. as i walk down the road i feel the judgemental harsh stares of strangers. i know people judge me. maybe its not the world im mad at. maybe its just people. people suck.
Fuck people!
Don’t base your image of yourself on how others may superficialy judge you. Be comfortable with yourself.
Easier said than done… but true nonetheless
Sweetie, have you ever tried Accutane? It’s an unbeatable medication that will leave your skin as perfect as you can imagine. It works on everyone! I know who you feel being subconscious about it. When they have put me on lithium by force in hospitals I have broken out and the only thing that takes the acne away is that. People that have severe cases of acne have used it too and their skin has cleared completely. Try it out. It will give you better self confidence. Good luck!