I never liked drinking or smoking weed or any other drugs for that matter,hell i never even liked to party.I always liked being alone,me and the tv or reading a book or video games, whatever. I never even liked women that much, but i know for sure im not gay (no offense) but even the act of sex seems evil and strange to me???? I dont think im from this planet
Your not boring… I’m the same… a very big loner… and I don’t drink, party, smoke, drugs… hell I don’t even have a tv or a computer. (My computer crashed like 2 yrs ago and don’t have the $) all I have is my fone which I spend a lot of time on… I understand you completely.
sounds like a boring lifestyle from my pov .. if it works for you fuck what others think
I’de say different, not boring, if youe content, don’t worry bout it , u may have some purpose on this planet that requires u be a bit more pure that the average being ?
In a way it sounds like you’re the product of a culture that looks down on things for no reason (like sex).Anyways, you live internally, others live externally. I generally live internally, and it’s fine. That is, I live inside my head. I’m creative and intelligent, and people honestly worry about me or wonder why I do the things I do. I don’t have many friends, which is great. The ones I do have either do the same thing, or they understand where I’m coming form and how I operate. I need lots of alone time or I start getting really uncomfortable. At the same time, if I’m too alone for too long, I get even more uncomortable. It’s a balance.
*High1O* dont worry mister(: Your not the only one that feel or think that way! Fully understand ya!
In other words, I’m just not bothered with what everyone else is doing. lol