the only thing that is stopping me from killing myself is my dog. i have no friends left, my family doesn’t offer any support. though my dog is the most precious thing on earth to me sometimes i wish i had never adopted her. she’s the only important responsibility i have and i would never ever just give her to a shelter. or my family…i don’t trust them to properly care for her. what should i do? it breaks my heart to imagine her suffer in any way (yeah even her not getting enough walkies or cuddles lol) but i ‘m so drained. Â i’ve struggled for so long.. just wanna give up
Dont give up life so easily, im sure there must be something else worth to live for, other than your dog..not sure if this advice is solid, but try to sleep more, avoid doing stressfull activities, hopefully it will help you relax and cheer you up.
I have a dog and i feel the same… Exact same honestly… I was kicked out to shame. My mother nor family wanted anything to do with me.. But my dog… He was and still is always there… If that is what you have than live. You must mean alot to that dog, plus a dog knows… It must feel your pain.. Id live for my dog because he brings me happiness. Lets me be atrong and if you can fight it, fight it for her.
idk why you want to kill yourself but iv never been allowed to have a dogmy dream is to run free with a dog at my side and live as the beasts of the field rejoicing in the fleshly life