last year i was diagnosed with anorexia, i fought it but things have got worse. i told two people about it and they helped, but now my best friend at school, ditches me for some skank, and i was crying because i hate my skin, i hate being in this body. and i left the class, and the skank started making it about her, omg this, omg that, she jealous of me and blah blah, so i hated the way she did that, and when im crying im just thinking about suicide. this has happened for the last 2 days, and now my so called best friend at school has a problem with me, and everything is just so wrong.
Your best friend doesn’t seem like a nice person at all…., as for the school problem, is it I
Possible for you to move schools?
Hey, i’m so sorry to hear you have anorexia.
One of my best friends has it and everyday she battles it. I don’t know where you are in the world or even if this method would be helpful but, my friend was helped by a method called the ‘maudsley approach’.
If you can gain access to this approach I highly suggest it. I hope you survive this awful illness and choose to live a long life.
As for your friend. When i had depression i lost all my friends because they didn’t know how to act around me, and i made them uncomfortable. They didn’t fully understand what depression was and chose to stay away until i ‘whined less’.
I know how hard it is to have no one supporting you, especially when you’re going through such an awful time in your life. But i’m now glad they left me because i gained strength from not needing them.
I hope this makes sense.
i hate my decrypted body shit is for life but im made for death, i cant wait i can escape