So I’ve been thinking it might be a good thing to go back to therapy I’m some what scared. But it might be a good thing for me…I need help..
So I’ve been thinking it might be a good thing to go back to therapy I’m some what scared. But it might be a good thing for me…I need help..
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Maybe you should! It might help, I know that in the short period I had therapy (before I stopped going) it helped a little. A little is better than nothing 🙂
Give it a try, it really can help. Though, don’t be discouraged after one session. Or if the doctor does work with you, just try another person. But it can work, so yea you should try it out.
Hi stubborn, and everyone else, it’s my first post here.Being in therapy myself, let me ask you:what is it that you are afraid of, specifically ?
You should give therapy a try. I started working with a therapist about a month ago, primarily for GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). I find it really helps to have someone you can talk to and say anything to with the knowledge that what is said in the office will stay in the office. Getting things off your chest does help. I’m only feeling slightly better with my therapy so far, but I’m hopeful that long term things can get better.
Francesco: I’m scared to go back. To have to open up and talk about what I’m feeling n especially scared to say I’m somewhat suicidal
well, opening up is the point of therapy, isn’t it?
maybe you don’t feel really comfortable with your current therapist.
how long have you seen him/her for?
and for how long have you been in therapy in general?
I think that merely RECOGNIZING that you need help is a big step to recovery. A lot of people don’t recognize and/or refuse acknowledge they have problem even when they know deep down inside that they do. And you aren’t scared to go back there, I think you are just scared to face the fact that you have problems. That would be very relevant to something a lot people go through. Just be brave, and make sure you find a therapist that you are comfortable talking with. Don’t take it for granted! A lot of people don’t have access to a therapist! So be brave! <3 I wish you all the best 🙂
Francesco: I was in therapy maybe 6months? Like about once a week? But that was 2 years ago.
hmm, and you never discussed your suicidal thoughts?
I too was afraid of talking about that, but you see… then I hit rock bottom.
that’s when I became scared of NOT opening up: that’s when you have too much stuff inside, and if you don’t get it out of your system, you’re gonna explode. (quite literally.)
in a sense, I had no choice but to tell the whole truth to my therapist…
maybe you need to hit rock bottom as well.
To everybody thank you for your comments I will go back to therapy. Indierockgirl: your right that is why I’m scared. Francesco: no I never mentioned them because I dint really have them back then. N I don’t think I want to hit rock bottom :/ so I called to make an appointment today and they told me the next one available is in a month so hopefully I haven’t hit rock bottom by then..
oh ! my bad then. good luck with your therapy 🙂
Francesco: thank you 🙂