yes i lived in a poor home , yes i was raped as a child, and yes i was all so abused and beatten ,yes my father was never in my life ,and yah my mom had too many responsiblities to care for all five of us so i was raised by T.V,despite all, my brothers and sisters are all doing fine but me i am crazy to them, i am constantly depressed and i cut my self a lot and in the end of a normal day i would find my self on the edge of our roof top or holding a knife and looking at my vains sometimes trying to swallow mom’s sleeping pells so why? why me not my brothers and sisters? and if those reasons are not enough to kill your self then why do i want to dye?
Not everyone inherits the same characteristics.
you feel those reasons are not enough to kill yourself because there is still enough life inside you.
I guess so, thanks for replying
Purge yourself of the past, and salvage what time you have left.
Actually Storm, here is the answer to your question;
the Symptom Bearer
he sat angrily in his room, alone. He could hear them all talking downstairs. He knew they were all talking about him, it was always him!
Always your fault they chided him, you ruin everything.
In his family of 2 sisters and 2 brothers he was always the one in trouble, poor marks in school, always at the doctor, always in trouble somehow.
He was the Symptom Bearer.
Families are complex groups called systems. Even the simplest one parent one child family has a family system. A family system is made up of the unspoken rules and secrets of each family. Your family system can follow you into school and community.
All families have at least some dysfunction and all families have a family system that keeps each family member in their place, in their role. Some families have a drunk father, or abusive mother, or molesting uncle. These perpetrators are often kept as family secrets. Keeping the secret is a big part of the family system, no one is supposed to know.
In families with a higher level of dysfunction one person often takes on the role of hurting and acting out on behalf of the other family members. They become the scapegoat or the black sheep of the family. They are the ones who are always sick, in trouble have poor grades, become suicidal.
They are the Symptom Bearer.
They bear the brunt of all of the family pain.
They are often the children in families with dysfunction.
If they try to change, the family will try to stop them. Without even knowing. The family system will try to keep everyone in their role.
If you come out to your family as gay, you will upset the system.
If you try to get sober, you will upset the system.
If you try to stop sexual abuse, you will upset the system.
You, yes you, are not on this website by accident.
If you are struggling in school, and in your family, if you are now an adult who did struggle, there is a good chance that you are the Symptom Bearer of your family.
It all seems like your fault, they might even say its your fault. But it’s everyone’s fault. Not just yours.
You are like the tip of the iceberg and there is a lot more going on beneath the surface.
Is there hope?
Yes, there is always hope.
Your challenge is to fight against the family system, to tell the secrets, to get help, to survive and to thrive.
You can do it, I know you can.
Because you are already the strongest one!
Think about it?
Why is it that when you all comment on each others posts here you all sound so strong, so caring, so heroic?
Because that’s who you are in real life.
It is only in your own family system that you have been made helpless.
But everywhere else, in the rest of the world , you are the triumphant, the resilient, the Children of Earth.
Hello Storm,
I think Guardian said it all in an amazing way…even I got it…so thanks Guardian. This is the truth…not all of the truth…everyone has there own nuances…but this is the truth. The problem is…what to do now that you know? There are similiarities between our stories…the childhood abuse…the four brothers and sisters…the absence of parenting…being the bad one…but I am probably a million years older than you…and I’m still struggling. It didn’t get bad overnight…it isn’t going to get good overnight…but it might get better in a moment of understanding and forgiveness(self). No one takes that kind of pain and doesn’t agree that at some level they must deserve it…and then comes the self-abuse.
I would love to tell you that my life is now all sunshine and rainbows…but that would be a lie. I still struggle…perhaps not as much…or for as long at a time…but yup…still struggling. What I will tell you is that I have learned to experience joy, love, wonder, awe…don’t I wish I could experience these things always…but the difference is…now I can …then I couldn’t. So in essence it does get better…but it takes work…the hardest work…work on YOU. You deserve it. It’s scary at first…I remember…but that does get easier and easier as you practice self-love and forgiveness
Life is a journey…not a moment
again…Guardian…the best comment I have seen in a good long while…Awesome
some wise words are already posted above here … but one thing in particular i’d like to point out is … instead of focusing on why the same fate isn’t shared by your siblings … try and focus how to get past the difficulties and feelings of the past and focus on how to move forward … if you are to gain anything from your siblings, find out how they found a way to move forward instead of worrying why they aren’t suffering. although they may, in fact, be suffering but putting on a brave face in public.
you can create your future – you can take the lessons from the past with you so you don’t make the same mistakes or get caught in the same situations, but leave the emotional baggage in the history books and in old faded pictures … go to school, find a fun job – learn grow – be free of what was and define yourself with a new image of what will be.
history dawg