Trying to make it to my 17th birthday. Trying to hold on. I’m trying to be strong but I can feel myself cracking. Slowly falling apart. People have suddenly forgot what is happening to me. It’s the same now. Same as before when no one knew. I’m waiting for my little pink pills to kick in but unfortunately the only thing there doing is pushing me to do it. I lost everything. I’m not the same anymore. I just want to be okay. I just want to be happy. I want my friends back. I don’t even know how to make friends anymore. My only friend is my sister. I love her. I can tell her almost anything.. She doesn’t know about this side of me. I don’t want her to know. Me and my sister do everything together. I don’t have to fake laugh, fake smile, pretend, when we hang out. Sadly, I need someone to talk to and she can’t be that someone. No one can be.
You should talk to a professional. If your pills arn’t helping, go to the doctor. I think you doing really well, you still want to have a life, your still holding on and thats good. You just need someone to help you hold on. Stick around for your 17th birthday, you might feel different. I’m here if you want someone to talk to 🙂
Ya can have someone to talk to, im sure most of us here understand what your going through since we all are on here for some reason. I didnt think anyone would ever understand me but i was wrong, if you dont want to fully go out and tell your sister how exactly you are feeling then try to tell her something subtle tell her that your not feeling right tell her that your head hurts, she will listen to your problems, and maybe gradually you will feel more comfortable telling her things,
and if not then just spill everything here, people on here love to listen aha
The pills don’t kick in until 3 weeks of being on them. Unfortunately. Then after 6 weeks I get put on a new medication. I don’t know what happens after that. I start counseling next week. Trust me, I’m trying to stay strong.