I have no friends at school and everyone looks at me like I’m a freak every day. There is a small group of people I normally hang out with, but they just see me as someone who hangs out with them because nobody wants to be friends with the person. Every romantic relationship I’ve ever had ended with every boyfriend either taking advantage of me, cheating on me, or pretending they loved me. I feel like an ugly person and I wanna die already. Nobody would care, not even my own family would care. They hate me so much, and the only person who (sometimes) cares about me is my own mother. I have no talent and I used to take up useless hobbies to make myself happy. I only did what I wanted to do to make myself happy, and that’s why I get looked down on every day. I tried cutting myself to make my pain go away, and it helped a little bit. I felt good, and the razor blade became my best friend. Nobody can accept me for who I am, and I hate myself. I feel like ending my life will make everyone’s problems go away, since I’m the one causing everyone to be unhappy. I want to just end everything already, and make people’s problems go away.
things will change, just live your life with no expectations… though i dont knowyou i care about you
Thank you
You and I are very similar (in what you’ve written just now).
Things can change if you really want them to.
You’ve just got to have the will to make it happen.